Custom component for Sencha Touch 2.
Collapsible List with You can expand and collapse the contents by header item tap. Also it can nest infinitely.
This component was introduced at Sencha Insight #6
Place the 'ux' folder somewhere within your application, then add the following to your app (at the top of 'app.js' is a good place):
'Ext': 'touch/src',
'MyApp': 'app',
'Ext.ux': 'ux'
Adjust './ux' to wherever you actually placed the 'ux' folder.
Then in whatever component you wish to use the view, add:
requires = [
If you use default design, import _accordionlist.scss and include accordionlist mixin.
// app.scss
@import 'stylesheets/accordionlist';
@include accordionlist;
Before build with Sencha Cmd, you must define "${add.dir}/../src/ux" to sencha.cfg:
Execute the following command in the sources root directory
sencha ant -f build.xml initialize
Then to place examples directory to server's application directory.
If you want to use AccordionList with Architect, please install ‘Ext.ux.AccordionList.aux’ file of architect
directory. Then you will find this component at Toolbox section. Please drag component to design area, that’s all.
AccordionList creates lists instance dynamically, so you cannot see the preview, but able to define some config by config section.
You can execute Siesta based unit test. To run the test, install this project into where the web server can serve your apps, and access to http://localhost/Ext.ux.AccordionList/tests from browser.
You can add component into header item and content item. In first, you must create a class which extends "Ext.ux.AccordionListItem". Then, define dataMap for header item and content item. Way of define is same to dataMap of Ext.dataview.DataItem.
Ext.define('AccordionListExample.view.ListItem', {
extend: 'Ext.ux.AccordionListItem',
xtype : 'examplelistitem',
config: {
headerDataMap: {
getText: {
setHtml: 'text'
getButton: {
setIconCls: 'icon'
contentDataMap: {
getLimit: {
setValue: 'limit'
getMessage: {
setValue: 'message'
You created data item class. Next, you specify use this in your view config.
xtype: 'accordionlist',
store: Ext.create(''),
flex: 1,
indent: true,
// Specify useComponents.
useComponents: true,
// Specify data item's xtype you created.
defaultType: 'examplelistitem',
listeners: {
initialize: function() {
That's ok. Accordion List appears components bound items. You can check it at example site.
[2013-11-27] v1.1.0 Shinobu Kawano (kawanoshinobu)
- Update for Sencha Touch 2.3.1
- Add paging and pull refresh feature
- Add bind component feature
- Add grouping and index bar feature
- Add indent feature
- Add some config to integrate into Sencha Architect
- Change test tool, Jasmine to Siesta
[2013-06-15] v1.0.1 Shinobu Kawano (kawanoshinobu)
- Add singleMode feature
- Add animation feature
- Add showCount feature
- Add new example (decorate)
[2013-05-05] v1.0.0 Shinobu Kawano (kawanoshinobu)
- Update for Sencha Touch 2.2
- Refactoring code
- Add some utility config (headerItemCls, contentItemCls, useSelectedHighlights)
- Add new example
- Add Jasmine and Phantomjs based unit test
- Created API documentation
Copyright (c) 2013 KAWANO Shinobu. This software is licensed under the MIT License.