Uses payment channels on ripple to do fast ILP transactions between you and a
peer. Current in-flight payments are at risk (your peer can choose not to give
you claims for them), but if the amount in-flight exceeds your inFlightLimit
you won't acknowledge incoming transfers until you're paid.
const PluginRipple = require('ilp-plugin-paychan')
new PluginRipple({
// This is the server that ripple-lib submits transactions to. You can
// configure this to point at the altnet or to point at the live net.
server: 'wss://',
// Your ripple address and secret
address: 'r33L6z6LMD8Lk39iEQhyXeSWqNN7pFVaM6',
secret: 'ssyFYib1wv4tKrYfQEARxGREH6T3b',
// The peer you want to start a payment channel with
peerAddress: 'rhxcezvTxiANA3TkxBWpx923M5zQ4RZ9gJ',
// secret for ed25519 secret key
channelSecret: 'shh its a secret',
// limit of how much can be owed in-flight to you at once before you stop
// accepting more incoming transfers. (in XRP drops)
maxInFlight: '5000000',
// how much to fund your payment channel. (in XRP drops)
channelAmount: '10000000'
// RPC calls to the peer on the other side of the channel are sent to this
// endpoint using HTTP.
rpcUri: ''
// store is used to keep local state, which is necessary because the plugin
// works based on off-chain payment channel claims. `get`, `put`, and `del`
// are asynchronous functions for accessing a key-value store. See
_store: {
get: function (k) { /* ... */ },
put: function (k, v) { /* ... */ },
del: function (k) { /* ... */ }