Now you will see after running the pipeline the creation of new image has been done successfully in ACR
After this process you need to connect to you Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) where you need to check if the deployment was done properly:
ASP.NET Web application deployment on Azure Kubernetes Services
Azure Kubernetes Services:
Agenda: - ASP.NET Web application deployment on Azure Kubernetes Services through Azure DevOps CI/CD
- ASP.NET Web application creation
- DockerFile creation
- Push changes in Azure Repos (Along with DockerFile)
- Build and Push Image (ACR Repository)
- Deploy (AKS)
- Creation of deployment.yml and service.yml files
This will allow to track new POD creation
kubectl get pods --watch
We will then install the kubectl tool
az aks install-cli --install-location=./kubectl
This allows kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group devopsdanjel-rg --name devopsdanjelAKS
Pre-defined Variables:
$(Pipeline.Workspace) - The local path on the agent where all folders for a given build pipeline are created.