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Simple navigation library for CodeIgniter v3 which outputs nav links in <ul> with support for active pages.


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Simple library for CodeIgniter v3 which outputs nav links in <ul> with support for active pages and multiple menus.

The library makes use of an underlying database for storing menus and the items within these menus. This provides a solid and familiar foundation on which front end management tools can be built on to allow users to manage the menus.

Author: Daniel Waghorn


This project is released in the public domain under the MIT Licence.


The folders in this repo are as follows:

sql contains an SQL dump which should be run against a database to create the required schema. This is in MySQL format.

config contains the config files that can be used for library. Copy into your application directory.

libraries contains the PHP files for the library. Copy into your application directory.

models contains required models for the library. Copy into your application directory.



  1. Setup the database schema by importing the SQL file for navigation to create tables.
  2. Copy the contents of config, libraries and models into their respective folders in your application directory.
  3. Import the library whenever you need to output navigation and invoke generation by following the steps below at Using the Library

Database Structure

The tables used by the database should be in your primary CodeIgniter database and consist of ci-nav-menus, ci-nav-items and ci-nav-inmenu.

The ci-nav-menus table links MenuIDs to a human readable MenuName. For example if I needed a user menu and an admin menu in my application this table would consist of two rows e.g:

MenuID MenuName
1 users
2 admin

A table named ci-nav-items holds individual navigation items or links and their related data. This promotes reuse of items across multiple menus.

  • ItemID is the primary key which is used to link items into menus.
  • ItemName is merely a name which makes the item easily recognisable in the database tables.
  • ItemHumanName is the name which is rendered in the output for the item. This can include HTML if you want to include e.g. an icon font for each item.
  • ItemLink is the URL that links to the item's destination. This should be relative if linking internally; for instance if your login url is the value in this field would simply be login. If linking externally then include a fully qualified url such as
  • ParentItem links nav items to another nav item which would be its parent. If a nav item has other nav items referring to its ItemID in their respective ParentItem field then a submenu will be rendered underneath this item. ** N.B. This field should be [NULL] by default.

Finally a table named ci-nav-inmenu links nav items to menus. This table contains three columns:

  • MenuID which references the MenuID for a given menu in ci-nav-menus.
  • ItemID which references the ItemID for the item to link into the menu as in ci-nav-items
  • LinkWeight which assigns a weight to a particular relation. Larger LinkWeights sink to the bottom/end of menu, lower LinkWeights float to the top/start of menu.

For example to place a nav item with ItemID = 2 into the menu with MenuID = 1 the ci-nav-inmenu table should contain the following row:

MenuID ItemID LinkWeight
1 2 50

I assigned LinkWeight 50 since on a scale of 1 to 100 this would be neutral, and leaves plenty of options to arrange links either side.

Navigation Configurations

This library supports interchangeable config files which control the markup used when rendering the navigation. These files reside in the config folder, where the default config file which is loaded is navigation.php.

This file contains PHPdoc explaining each of the settings and what they control.

To specify an alternative configuration to load simply supply an associative array as a second parameter when loading the library as below.

    $this->load->library('navigation',array('config' => 'navigation_foundation'));

The associative array should contain 'config' => 'config_file_name'. ** Make sure not to include the .php extension when specifying config_file_name.

Using the Library

Using the library is simple; in each controller it's easiest to load it in the constructor for that controller like so:


You can also alternatively autoload it or implement it in your MY_Controller superclass constructor.

Whenever you need to output navigation it's normally easiest to have CodeIgniter return the markup rather than render it. This way you can pass the markup to your views via $data and output it exactly where you need it.

An example of this would be something like:

    $data['navigation'] = $this->navigation->generateNav_fromName('user');

Where this would store the markup for the 'user' menu into $data['navigation'].

This data is then output in the view by placing <?php echo $navigation ?> wherever you want the markup to be placed.

Function Description

The file at libraries/Navigation.php contains a few functions which you will need to invoke in order to create navigation.

This file contains PHPdoc explaining each along with parameters and return values.

Generate Navigation from Menu Name

This function takes the name as specified in the ci-nav-menus table for MenuName and returns the menu with the linked items. Usage:

   $data['navigation'] = $this->navigation->generateNav_fromName('public');

This would generate the markup for the menu with name 'public'.

Generate Navigation from Menu ID

This function takes the id as specified in the ci-nav-menus table for MenuID and returns the menu with the linked items. Usage:

   $data['navigation'] = $this->navigation->generateNav_fromID(2);

This would generate the markup for the menu with ID 2.

Generate Role Based Nav

This function allows you to generate a menu based on a user's group association if your project is using Ben Edmund's Ion Auth library. Define user groups in Ion Auth, then edit generateRoleBasedNav to return the menu specific to the context.

The default method contains a few examples for integration as well as support for public, user and admin menus out of the box.


	$data['navigation'] = $this->navigation->generateRoleBasedNav();


Simple navigation library for CodeIgniter v3 which outputs nav links in <ul> with support for active pages.







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