Senior Research Scientist @ Leonardo AI, Canva, London, United Kingdom
Researched Text-to-Image Generative Modelling, specifically:
- Multi-layer Image Decomposition and Generation
Research Scientist @ Multimodal Generation, AI Theory Group, Noah's Ark, Huawei, London, United Kingdom
Researched Text-to-Image Generative Modelling, specifically:
- Multi-layer Image Decomposition and Generation
- Video Understanding
- PEFT for LLMs and T2I
Research Assisstant @ Amigo Lab, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
Researched One/Few-Shot(s) Active Learning Segmentation pipelines and how at-scale training can help their generalisation.
PhD Candidate @ Amigo Lab, King's College London
Developing state-of-the-art generative models of the human brain and applying them for anomaly detection and disease progression modelling.
- We made the DALL-E of the human brain at MICCAI 2022.
- We created the first morphologically correct generative model of the human brain at MICCAI 2022.
- We extensively analised the usage of VQ-VAE + Transformer pipeline for anomaly detection. Work was published at MIDL and MICCAI.
Computer Vision Engineer @ Gentian Ltd, London, United Kingdom
Working for a greener future by:
- Developing Remote-Sensing Deep Learning models aimed at quantifying current state and future potential of cities' green roof.
- Creating insightful business inteligence for local authorities to decrease their carbon footprint.