In Unity, attach the script to a game object. (I have mine on my game controller object, but any persistent object is fine.)
When you want to start recording, check the Is Recording box.
Use New Folder - When this is checked you use a new folder each time you turn on and off the script. Uncheck with extreme caution since it will overwrite existing screen-shots. (I've left it in because sometimes I don't want a billion false start folders, but use with care.)
Directory - Relative to the root of your project, it's where your screenshots will be saved.
Frame Rate - The rate of video capture. It fixes the playback frame-rate so real time and rendering time don't influence Time anymore. http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Time-captureFramerate.html
Scale - The scale of your images relative to your screen size. I recommend leaving this at one.