- Payer client send a payment request to Merchant server
- Merchant server validate the transaction (address, amount, expiry date)
- If transaction is valid, Merchant generate an RSA signature for the payer request.
- Payer recieve merchant approval (RCA signature) and create a CRC-32 hash.
- Payer submit a payment transaction to Stellar blockchain following the approved request.
- Merchant server that is listening for incoming requests recieve the transaction and validate its CRC-32 hash.
- Payer client - nodejs app. send a json payment request for merchant and emits an asset transfer trasaction to Stellar public ledger.
- Merchant server - nodejs webserver. Recieve requests from Payer clients,Listen to incoming Stellar transactions and validate.
On ubuntu machine -> git clone
- npm install
- node app.js
- npm install
- node app.js
When executing merchant or payer apps , new accounts will be created and funded with 100 XMR on Stellar testnet.
public and private key files will be automatic generated
- ./public.key
- ./secret.key