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danielferber edited this page Nov 22, 2014 · 6 revisions

A simple Java command line application that reproduces GIT commits on a Clearcase UCM view, keeping them synchronized.

It was designed to allow current trends as agile development, incremental design and refactoring on IT departments that still rely on old fashined Clearcase for Source Control Management.


git-to-clearcase is easy to run. It supposes that you have:

  • git command line executable installed somewhere
  • cleartool command line executable installed elsewhere

And you need two more pieces of information:

  • path of your git repository
  • path of the source code directory within a ClearCase UCM view

Then, just call git-to-clearcase. It

java -jar git-to-clearcase-1.2 --git c:\cmd\git\git.exe --repo c:\git\proj-repository --ct c:\cmd\clearcase\bin\cleartool.exe --view c:\ccviews\project\source

Sure, there are further command line arguments. Call java -jar git-to-clearcase-1.2 --help to learn more.

If everything fails

Experience has shown that cleartool calls may fail arbitrarely. If repository and view get out of synch, just fix the affected directory by calling.

java -jar git-to-clearcase-1.2 --git c:\cmd\git\git.exe --repo c:\git\proj-repository --ct c:\cmd\clearcase\bin\cleartool.exe --view c:\ccviews\project\source --compare subdirectory


  • CCRC are not supported
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