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Home Assistant custom component for scraping (html, xml or json) multiple values (from a single HTTP request) with a separate sensor/attribute for each value. Support for (login) form-submit functionality.


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Need help with Multiscrape?

Personal (paid) support option

I very often get asked for help, for example with finding the right CSS selectors or with a login. Actually more often than I can handle, so I'm running an experiment with a paid support option!

Sponsor me here, and I'll try to assist you with your multiscrape configuration within 1-2 days. The support funds will go towards family time, making up for the hours I spend on Home Assistant ☺️.

Note: Scraping isn't always possible. I'd love to offer a "no cure, no pay" service, but GitHub Sponsoring doesn't support that. If you're concerned about sponsoring without guarentee, please reach out by email before sponsoring!

Other options

If you don't manage to scrape the value you are looking for, please enable debug logging and log_response. This will provide you with a lot of information for continued investigation. log_response will write all responses to files. If the value you want to scrape is not in the files with the output from BeautifulSoup (*-soup.txt), Multiscrape will not be able to scrape it. Most likely it is retrieved in the background by javascript. Your best chance in this case, is to investigate the network traffic in de developer tools of your browser, and try to find a json response containing the value you are looking for.

If all of this doesn't help, use the home assistant forum. I cannot give everyone personal assistance and please don't create github issues unless you are sure there is a bug. Check the wiki for a scraping guide and other details on the functionality of this component.

Important note: be a good citizen and be aware of your responsibility

You and you alone, are accountable for your scraping activities. Be a good (web) citizen. Set reasonable scan_interval timings, seek explicit permission before scraping, and adhere to local and international laws. Respect website policies, handle data ethically, mind resource usage, and regularly monitor your actions. Uphold these principles to ensure ethical and sustainable scraping practices.


This Home Assistant custom component can scrape multiple fields (using CSS selectors) from a single HTTP request (the existing scrape sensor can scrape a single field only). The scraped data becomes available in separate sensors.

It is based on both the existing Rest sensor and the Scrape sensor. Most properties of the Rest and Scrape sensor apply.

Buy Me A Coffee

Multiscrape is sponsored by CapSolver!

CapSolver Ads

CapSolver is an AI-powered service that automatically solves a range of CAPTCHAs, helping developers tackle CAPTCHA challenges encountered during web scraping. Whether you're extracting data from e-commerce sites, financial platforms, or social media, CapSolver supports CAPTCHAs like reCAPTCHA V2, reCAPTCHA V3, hCaptcha, ImageToText, DataDome, AWS, Geetest, Cloudflare Turnstile and more. With API integration and browser extensions options, and flexible pricing packages, CapSolver adapts to diverse web scraping needs and scenarios.


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Install quickly via a HACS link
Install via HACS (default store) or install manually by copying the files in a new 'custom_components/multiscrape' directory.

Example configuration (YAML)

  - name: HA scraper
    scan_interval: 3600
      - unique_id: ha_latest_version
        name: Latest version
        select: ".release-date"
        value_template: "{{ value | trim }}"
      - unique_id: ha_release_date
        icon: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.ha_version_check', 'on') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        name: Release date
        select: ".release-date"
        attribute: "title"
        value_template: "{{ (value.split('released')[1]) }}"
      - unique_id: ha_version_check
        name: Latest version == 2021.7.0
        select: ".release-date"
        value_template: '{{ value | trim == "2021.7.0" }}'
          - name: Release notes link
            select: ".release-date"
            attribute: href


Based on latest (pre) release.

name description required default type
name The name for the integration. False string
resource The url for retrieving the site or a template that will output an url. Not required when resource_template is provided. True string
resource_template A template that will output an url after being rendered. Only required when resource is not provided. True template
authentication Configure HTTP authentication. basic or digest. Use this with username and password fields. False string
username The username for accessing the url. False string
password The password for accessing the url. False string
headers The headers for the requests. False template - list
params The query params for the requests. False template - list
method The method for the request. Either POST or GET. False GET string
payload Optional payload to send with a POST request. False template - string
verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate of the endpoint. False True boolean
log_response Log the HTTP responses and HTML parsed by BeautifulSoup in files. (Will be written to/config/multiscrape/name_of_config) False False boolean
timeout Defines max time to wait data from the endpoint. False 10 int
scan_interval Determines how often the url will be requested. False 60 int
parser Determines the parser to be used with beautifulsoup. Either lxml or html.parser. False lxml string
list_separator Separator to be used in combination with select_list features. False , string
form_submit See Form-submit False
sensor See Sensor False list
binary_sensor See Binary sensor False list
button See Refresh button False list

Sensor/Binary Sensor

Configure the sensors that will scrape the data.

name description required default type
unique_id Will be used as entity_id and enables editing the entity in the UI False string
name Friendly name for the sensor False string
See Selector fields True
attributes See Sensor attributes False list
unit_of_measurement Defines the units of measurement of the sensor False string
device_class Sets the device_class for sensors or binary sensors False string
state_class Defines the state class of the sensor, if any. (measurement, total or total_increasing) (not for binary_sensor) False None string
icon Defines the icon or a template for the icon of the sensor. The value of the selector (or value_template when given) is provided as input for the template. For binary sensors, the value is parsed in a boolean. False string/template
picture Contains a path to a local image and will set it as entity picture False string
force_update Sends update events even if the value hasn’t changed. Useful if you want to have meaningful value graphs in history. False False boolean

Refresh button

Configure a refresh button to manually trigger scraping.

name description required default type
unique_id Will be used as entity_id and enables editing the entity in the UI False string
name Friendly name for the button False string

Sensor attributes

Configure the attributes on the sensor that can be set with additional scraping values.

name description required default type
name Name of the attribute (will be slugified) True string
See Selector fields True


Configure the form-submit functionality which enables you to submit a (login) form before scraping a site. More details on how this works can be found on the wiki.

name description required default type
resource The url for the site with the form False string
select CSS selector used for selecting the form in the html. When omitted, the input fields are directly posted. False string
input A dictionary with name/values which will be merged with the input fields on the form False string - dictionary
input_filter A list of input fields that should not be submitted with the form False string - list
submit_once Submit the form only once on startup instead of each scan interval False False boolean
resubmit_on_error Resubmit the form after a scraping error is encountered False True boolean
variables See Form Variables False list

Form Variables

Configure the variables that will be scraped from the form_submit response. These variables can be used in the value_template of the main configuration of the current integration: a selector in sensors/attributes or in a header. A common use case is to populate the X-Login-Token header which is the result of the login.

name description required default type
name Name of the variable True string
See Selector fields True


  - resource: ""
      submit_once: True
      resource: ""
        email: "<email>"
        password: "<password>"
        - name: token
          value_template: "{{ ... }}"
      X-Login-Token: "{{ token }}"
    sensor: ...


Used to configure scraping options.

name description required default type
select CSS selector used for retrieving the value of the attribute. Only required when select_list or value_template is not provided. False string/template
select_list CSS selector for multiple values of multiple elements which will be returned as csv. Only required when select or value_template is not provided. False string/template
attribute Attribute from the selected element to read as value. False string
value_template Defines a template applied to extract the value from the result of the selector (if provided) or raw page (if selector not provided) False string/template
extract Determines how the result of the CSS selector is extracted. Only applicable to HTML. text returns just text, content returns the html content of the selected tag and tag returns html including the selected tag. False text string
on_error See On-error False


Configure what should happen in case of a scraping error (the css selector does not return a value).

name description required default type
log Determines if and how something should be logged in case of a scraping error. Value can be either 'false', 'info', 'warning' or 'error'. False error string
value Determines what value the sensor/attribute should get in case of a scraping error. The value can be 'last' meaning that the value does not change, 'none' which results in HA showing 'Unkown' on the sensor, or 'default' which will show the specified default value. False none string
default The default value to be used when the on-error value is set to 'default'. False string


For each multiscrape instance, a service will be created to trigger a scrape run through an automation. (For manual triggering, the button entity can now be configured.) The services are named multiscrape.trigger_{name of integration}.

Multiscrape also offers a get_content and a scrape service. get_content retrieves the content of the website you want to scrape. It shows the same data for which you now need to enable log_response and open the page_soup.txt file.
scrape does what it says. It scrapes a website and provides the sensors and attributes.

Both services accept the same configuration as what you would provide in your configuration yaml (what is described above), with a small but important caveat: if the service input contains templates, those are automatically parsed by home assistant when the service is being called. That is fine for templates like resource and select, but templates that need to be applied on the scraped data itself (like value_template), cannot be parsed when the service is called. Therefore you need to slightly alter the syntax and add a ! in the middle. E.g. {{ becomes {!{ and %} becomes %!}. Multiscrape will then understand that this string needs to handled as a template after the service has been called.
If someone has a better solution, please let me know!

To call one of those services, go to 'Developer tools' in Home Assistant and then to 'services'. Find the multiscrape.get_content or multiscrape.scrape services and go to yaml mode. There you enter your configuration. Example:

service: multiscrape.scrape
  name: HA scraper
    - unique_id: ha_latest_version
      name: Latest version
      select: ".release-date"
      value_template: "{!{ value | trim }!}"
    - unique_id: ha_release_date
      name: Release date
      select: ".release-date"
      attribute: "title"
      value_template: "{!{ (value.split('released')[1]) }!}"

Debug logging

Debug logging can be enabled as follows:

  default: info
    custom_components.multiscrape: debug

Depending on your issue, also consider enabling log_response.

Contributions are welcome!

If you want to contribute to this please read the Contribution guidelines


This project was generated from @oncleben31's Home Assistant Custom Component Cookiecutter template.

Code template was mainly taken from @Ludeeus's integration_blueprint template


Home Assistant custom component for scraping (html, xml or json) multiple values (from a single HTTP request) with a separate sensor/attribute for each value. Support for (login) form-submit functionality.





