Configurable mouse button keybinds for linux. Works for Wine/Proton apps. Features automatic profiles.
Binding keyboard keys to the buttons of gaming mouse is essential for some users (like me). For Windows and Mac the vendors offer configuration software, e.g. "RAZER Synapse", "ROCCAT Swarm" or "Logitech Gaming Software", while they do not offer a linux version. For linux there are tools like xbindkeys and imwheelrc which work nice for X-applications, but do unfortunately stop to work as soon as a Wine or Proton (Steam Play) game is started. Piper is a very cool project for configuring gaming mouse, but its keybinding functionality just didn't work out for me (e.g. ESC-key can not be assigned).
So I wrote this lightweight keybinder-script in Python (no GUI), based on the evdev module and xdotool. No installation is required and it works for apps that run in Wine or Proton. The window title, the process id (PID) or the applications binary file path can be given in the binding configuration, and the script features an fully automatic switching of the keybindings for as many different games as you want. Also callback functions can be bound to on/off-focus-events, which is usefull for implementing automatic enabling/disabling of mouse accelleration (e.g. via xinput, not part of Linux-Mouse-Keybinds).
Rename "" to "". Open "" in a text editor and configure to your needs (help see beow). Start a terminal (e.g. bash), navigate to the scripts directory and type:
$> python3 ./
You may now start your game, e.g via Wine or Proton (Steam Play), and leave the script running in the background. The keybinding stops working as soon as the script exits (ctrl+C) or when the terminal is closed.
Your linux user needs to have access to evdev, so e.g. has to be member of the input group on Debian based systems. Python (2 or 3) and xdotool as well as readlink (from coreutils) need to be installed.
- The script does not unbind any differently applied bindings or native functions of the mouse buttons. It basically just applies the keystrokes on top of the already existing functionality of the buttons.
- It seems possible that anti cheat engines for multiplayer games may categorize the actions performed by this script as cheating. So use it in singleplayer only or don't blame me if you get into trouble. ;)
Below you can see two configuration examples. If you misconfigure linuxmousekeybinds it will give you usefull tips about the allowed settings.
lmkb = linuxmousekeybinds("Logitech G500s Laser Gaming Mouse")
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Tomb Raider", "BTN_EXTRA", "3") # thumb button forward
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Tomb Raider", "BTN_FORWARD", "c") # thumb button middle
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Tomb Raider", "BTN_SIDE", "Escape") # thumb button backward
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Tomb Raider", "REL_HWHEEL+", "r") # wheel sideways left
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Tomb Raider", "REL_HWHEEL-", "v") # wheel sideways right
lmkb.bind_key_to_button(7154, "BTN_SIDE", "3") # binding by process id (PID)
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("/usr/bin/kate", "BTN_SIDE", "3") # binding by application binary path
lmkb.bind_key_to_button(None, "BTN_SIDE", "1") # default binding for all other windows
lmkb = linuxmousekeybinds(("Logitech G502", "Logitech G502 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Mouse")) # Aliases of same mouse when pluged in or wireless
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Doom", "BTN_EXTRA", ["1", 500, "2"]) # Macro: "1", 500ms delay, "2"
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Doom", "BTN_SIDE", ["3-", 50, "3+"]) # Macro: "3"-keydown, 50ms delay, "3"-keyup
lmkb.bind_key_to_button("Doom", "BTN_SIDE", [-100, "4"]) # Macro: 70ms to 130ms delay, "3"
def cb1():
print("Tomb Raider got focus!")
def cb2():
print("Tomb Raider lost focus!")
lmkb.set_callback_focus_on( "Tomb Raider", cb1) # cb1 will be executed on Tomb Raider getting focus
lmkb.set_callback_focus_off("Tomb Raider", cb2) # cb2 will be executed on Tomb Raider loosing focus