This is the Util SDK that provides basic definition and implementation of e.g. Base64, Sha1-hash, MIME types and data size restriction.
The Util SDK is a collection of tools and definitions that are reused across different projects at Data4Life. Currently we support Android, JVM and iOS, which can be conveniently consumed by Kotlin common code.
Java 11 | Limitations of Java language features and APIs | Desugaring
Android 6.0 (API 23) to Android 13.0 (API 33)
Add the following maven repository url to your root build.gradle:
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url = URI("") credentials { username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") as String? ?: System.getenv("PACKAGE_REGISTRY_USERNAME") password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") as String? ?: System.getenv("PACKAGE_REGISTRY_TOKEN") } } } }
Your GitHub username and token needs to be stored in your global Gradle properties: ~/.gradle/
You need to have read access to this repository and generate a personal access token with
gpr.user=github-username gpr.key=github-token
This project is work in progress. We are working on adding more functionality, guidelines, documentation and other improvements.
See changelog
We use Semantic Versioning as a guideline for our versioning.
Releases use this format: {major}.{minor}.{patch}
Breaking changes bump
and reset{minor}
Backward compatible changes bump
and reset{patch}
Bug fixes bump
You want to help or share a proposal? You have a specific problem? Read the following:
Code of conduct for details on our code of conduct.
Contributing for details about how to report bugs and propose features.
Developing for details about our development process and how to build and test the project.
Copyright (c) 2022 D4L data4life gGmbH / All rights reserved. Please refer to our License for further details.