The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
$ composer require d3yii2/d3printer "*"
or add to composer require part
"d3yii2/d3printer": "*"
For each type printer create own class See components/D3PrinterGodex5000.php
Labels create as object. Example:
namespace components\printers;
use d3yii2\d3printer\components\G500LabelBase;
use d3yii2\d3printer\components\G500LabelInterface;
use Dbr\Ezpl\Builder;
use Dbr\Ezpl\Command\CommandPipe;
use Dbr\Ezpl\Command\Image\QRCode;
class G500ProductLabel extends G500LabelBase implements G500LabelInterface
/** @var string */
public $qrCode;
/** @var $date */
public $date;
/** @var float */
public $qnt;
/** @var string */
public $unitLabel;
/** @var string */
public $productName;
public function createCommand(): Builder
return (new Builder(new CommandPipe()))
->setLabelHeight($this->labelHeight, 2)
->text(14, 250, 10, 1, 1, 0, 0, $this->date)
->text(18, 250, 70, 1, 1, 0, 0, $this->qnt . ' ' . $this->unitLabel)
->text(10, 250, 200, 1, 1, 0, 0, $this->qrCode)
->text(14, 10, 260, 1, 1, 0, 0, $this->productName)
public function createQrCode(): QRCode
return (new QRCode($this->qrCode))
use aluksne\app\components\printers\G500ProductLabel;
use d3yii2\d3printer\components\D3PrinterGodex5000;
$label = Yii::createObject([
'class' => G500ProductLabel::class,
'productName' => 'CLT60 C 3(20-20-20)V/V/5000/7000',
'qrCode' => 'P100022342',
'date' => '2021-09-20',
'qnt' => 11.,
'unitLabel' => 'M3',
$printer = Yii::createObject([
'class' => D3PrinterGodex5000::class,
'printerIp' => '',
echo $printer->getCheckResponseCode() . PHP_EOL;
echo $printer->getCheckResponseLabel() . PHP_EOL;
Define health component in app console config
'kaltePrinterHealth' => [
'class' => '\d3yii2\d3printer\components\D3Printer',
'printerCode' => 'officePrinter',
'printerName' => 'Godex G500',
'accessSettings' => [
'home_url' => '<printer home URL>',
Read and save current state (files are located at [app path]/runtime/d3printer/[printerCode]
/usr/bin/php <sitepath>/yii d3printer/health-cron <printerCode>
Define printer state panels in app main config
'panels' => [
'printers' =>
'route' => '/d3printer/info-panel/status',
'params' => [
'printerComponent' => 'officePrinter',
'healthComponent' => 'officePrinterHealth',
'route' => '/d3printer/info-panel/status',
'params' => [
'printerComponent' => 'homePrinter',
'healthComponent' => 'homePrinterHealth',
Show the state panel in app view
PanelWidget::widget(['name' => 'printers'])
Get printer status, cartridge and drum by printer code
$printerComponent = D3Printer::getPrinterComponent('officePrinter');
$deviceHealth = $printerComponent->deviceHealth();
$status = $deviceHealth->getStatus();
$cartridgeRemaining = $deviceHealth->getCartridgeRemaining();
$drumRemaining = $deviceHealth->getDrumRemaining();