Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities has emerged on its Modern Language Association platform in a beta form and being corrected live through June 2020. In light of the widespread move to online education at most universities, both the MLA staff and editors Davis, Gold, and Harris agreed that opening up the project in its post-peer review, copyedited state would be beneficial for everyone. Please join us in welcoming this long-standing project in its final platform into the world: Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities
In conjunction with the Modern Language Association, we are happy to announce Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments, an open-access, curated collection of downloadable, reusable, and remixable pedagogical resources for humanities scholars interested in the intersections of digital technologies with teaching and learning. Taken as a whole, this collection will document the richly-textured culture of teaching and learning that responds to new digital learning environments, research tools, and socio-cultural contexts, ultimately defining the heterogeneous nature of digital pedagogy.
Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities is a book in a new form. It will consist of approximately 50 keywords that articulate humanities pedagogy with digital humanities methods, new media studies, computational research, networked environments, and digital culture. Each keyword will have a curator who will briefly introduce a particular term in the context of teaching and learning and then provide ten pedagogical artifacts, such as syllabi, prompts, exercises, lesson plans, and student work drawn from actual courses, classrooms, and projects across the humanities. These artifacts will be annotated, attributed with metadata, and accompanied by lists of related materials for further reading and future reference. After going through an open peer review process, all keyword entries will be published under Creative Commons licenses to encourage circulation, editing, and repurposing by other practitioners.
In short, Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities will share the everyday stuff of humanities teaching and learning, curated by instructors who are well-versed in the practice of digital pedagogy.
As we move forward, we will update this GitHub repository with keyword drafts, important announcements, new contributors and keywords, and details for presentations about the project at university and college campuses across North America.
For now, please follow Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities on Twitter through the hashtag #curateteaching and visit our news page for updates.
- Rebecca Frost Davis, St. Edward's University ([email protected])
- Matthew K. Gold, The Graduate Center, City University of New York ([email protected])
- Katherine D. Harris, San José State University ([email protected])
- Jentery Sayers, University of Victoria ([email protected])
- Cheryl Ball, West Virginia University
- Bryan Carter, University of Arizona
- Tanya Clement, University of Texas, Austin
- Brian Croxall, Brigham Young University
- Douglas Eyman, George Mason University
- Paul Fyfe, North Carolina State University
- Gail E. Hawisher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Professor Emeritus)
- Jason B. Jones, Trinity College
- Virginia Kuhn, University of Southern California
- Cynthia Selfe, Ohio State University
- Lisa Spiro, Rice University