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eob edited this page Jan 29, 2013 · 5 revisions

This is the running goals document for the CTS+Wordpress project.

Stage 1: Operation Rescue All the Themes

Rescue ALL the themes!

To create a plugin that enables Worpress themes to be transformed into CTS-driven Mockups for reuse. OK to assume that this plugin is run on a Wordpress install that isn't actually used in production: i.e., this plugin is allowed to create and destroy data in the database for the purposes of easy wrapper induction.

  • Page types that comprise a Wordpress theme
  • Automation possibilities?
  • It's possible that the easiest way to do this isn't involving Wordpress at all, but rather just a pre-prepared dataset inside the WP database. I.e., perhaps we pre-load Wordpress with a sufficiently broad set of known data (POST_1, AUTHOR_1) that exhausts the design possibilities. Then we have a web scraper scrape all the sites wordpress generates and uses its knowledge of this data to pick apart the posts.

Stage 2: Theme by Mockup

Create a plugin that uses mockups to power the WP page generation proces.

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