The Cascading Tree Sheets command line interface (cts-cli) provides command line utilities for manipulating data with CTS. This current includes:
- Scraping data out of web pages
First install Node.js (, and then install CTS-cli with the Node package manager:
npm install -g cts-cli
dscrape <CTS File> <URL>
Optional Arguments:
--format fmt Specify an output format for data. Valid formats are:
pretty (default)
--verbose Include helpful status and debugging messages in output.
If this flag is turned off, you can simply pipe the
command output into a file for saving.
The CTS File can either be a file on your filesystem or a "Github URL" of the
form github://USER/REPO/path/to/file.cts. DScrape will fetch the CTS file remotely
from Github and then apply it.
Tries to load a scraper from the DScrape Scraper Repository:
Uses a scraper at a pre-defined Github location:
dscrape github://cts/dscrape/examples/reddit.cts
Uses a scraper in a local file:
dscrape reddit.cts
Install the project dependencies by running npm install
in the project root. THen
And the following tools to develop with DScrape:
Installation instructions at
From the project root, type:
coffee --compile --output lib/ src/
This will create lib/dscrape.js for you, using src/ as source. The bin/dscrape executable relies on this library.
Run these examples from the project root.
./bin/dscrape examples/reddit.cts
Several TODOs for this project exist:
- Enable output for multiple serialization formats, to be toggled via command line. e.g.: JSON, YAML, etc.
- Identify (and resolve) issues with JSDOM that cause it to behave differently from the browser