This is the repository that stores personal settings for Chad Skeeters.
This can be installed with
cd ~
git clone ...
cd dotfiles
To install settings on computers not connected to the internet, install from a dotfiles folder where offline files have been previously downloaded.
On existing machine:
tar -zcf dotfiles.tgz ~/dotfiles
On new machine:
tar -zxf [USB_MOUNT]/dotfiles.tgz
cd dotfiles
To map caps lock to escape for the tty:
sudo loadkeys caps-escape.kmap
If running in X, you can setup the keybord with setxkbmap or dconf.
setxkbmap -option caps:escape
To install dconf
under Debian, run:
sudo apt-get install dconf-cli
To make the setting perminant, run this command.
dconf write "/org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options" "['caps:escape']"