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React Native Push Notification

This package helps to show:

  • local and remote(firebase) push notifications
  • push notifications with custom layout both local and remote

Current version is for Android only.

Correct way to send push notifications from server

There are 3 types of notifications:

  • common notification (title + message)
  • notification only with custom data attributes
  • common notification with data attributes

When app is in background only plain data notifications can be customized (firebase onMessageRecieve() is fired only for them). That is why from a backend part you should send push notifications only with data attributes. Example:

	data: {
		title: "push notification title",
		message: "push notification body",
		media: "", // optional
		url: "" // optional

More info here. Twilio example here (NOTICE: you should set twilio parameters: account id, auth token, service id, device fcm token).

How to install

  1. Install npm package
npm install @cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification --save
  1. Following this tutorial make the following:
  • add generated google-services.json file to android/app folder
  • add google services dependency to <project>/build.gradle:
buildscript {
	// ... other settings
	dependencies {
		// ... other dependencies
		classpath '' // add this line with latest version
  • apply google services plugin to <project>/<app-module>/build.gradle:
apply plugin: ''  // add this line
  1. Add to your app android manifest to the application tag the following code:
 <!-- start notification settings -->
    android:value="com.example.MainActivity" />
 	android:value="my_channel_id" />
   android:resource="@drawable/ic_notification" />
 	android:resource="@android:color/black" />
     	<action android:name="" />
 <receiver android:name="com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.PushNotificationBroadcastReceiver"  android:exported="true">
 		<action android:name="com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.action.CLOSE_NOTIFICATION"/>
        <action android:name="com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.action.OPEN_URL"/>
        <action android:name="com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.action.PRESS_ON_NOTIFICATION"/>
 		<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
 <!-- end notification settings -->

Manifest explanation:

  • meta-data(com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.default_activity): your application default activity main. When user clicks on push notification this activity will be opened. Usually you should set here the string similar to com.yourpackage.MainActivity.
  • meta-data(com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.default_channel_id): default notification channel name for remote notifications. By default all local and remote notifications will use this name. NOTICE: you should manually create this channel on package init(check the PushNotificationAndroid.createChannel() API).
  • meta-data( default notification icon for remote push notifications.
  • meta-data( default notification background color.
  • service(com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.CustomFirebaseMessagingService): custom firebase service that receives and shows push notifications with custom layout. This service works "out of the box" so you don't need to implement any onNotification() listeners in your React Native code.
  • receiver(com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.PushNotificationBroadcastReceiver): broadcast receiver that handles notification interactions(ex: on custom button click in notification). At the moment the following actions are available:
    • CLOSE_NOTIFICATION: closes push notification, notification id param should be passed in Intent extras.
    • OPEN_URL: opens url in browser on notification press, url param should be passed in Intent extras.
    • PRESS_ON_NOTIFICATION: notification press handler, by default opens app's main screen(this behavior can be overridden, check the "How to add deep links support" section).
    • SHOW_SCHEDULED_NOTIFICATION: shows scheduled notification, notification params should be passed in intent extras.
  1. Create a notification channel for local and remote notifications(the one from meta-data(com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.default_channel_id) on app init (required for android >= 8, SDK >= 26):
import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
const channelId = "my_channel_id";
const channelName = "my_channel_name";
const channelDesc = "my_channel_desc";
const channelImportance = PushNotificationAndroid.CHANNEL_IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
PushNotificationAndroid.createChannel(channelId, channelName, channelDesc, channelImportance);



Returns device FCM token.


import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
const token = await PushNotificationAndroid.getDeviceToken();
console.log(token); // 7rilPUr_OJBvggou...


Cancels scheduled notification by notification id. Scheduled notification can be created if you pass showAt param to show() method.

  • notificationId: notification id which should be cancelled


import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
const notificationId = 1;

createChannel(channelId, channelName, channelDesc, channelImportance)

Creates a notification channel. For android >= 8 (SDK >= 26) channels are required when you show a push notification. NOTICE: you should call this method on app init and pass channel id from your manifest file.

  • channelId: channel id. Used on notification show.
  • channelName: human readable channel name. Channel name is displayed in app notification settings.
  • channelDesc: channel description.
  • channelImportance: channel importance, the more importance the more chances that user will see a notification. Available values:
    • PushNotificationAndroid.IMPORTANCE_NONE
    • PushNotificationAndroid.IMPORTANCE_MIN
    • PushNotificationAndroid.IMPORTANCE_LOW
    • PushNotificationAndroid.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT
    • PushNotificationAndroid.IMPORTANCE_HIGH
    • PushNotificationAndroid.IMPORTANCE_MAX


import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
const channelId = "my_channel_id";
const channelName = "my_channel_name";
const channelDesc = "my_channel_desc";
const channelImportance = PushNotificationAndroid.CHANNEL_IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
PushNotificationAndroid.createChannel(channelId, channelName, channelDesc, channelImportance);

show(notificationId, template, channelId, data, priority = PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, badgeNumber = 0, showAt = 0)

Shows a push notification. You can use this method locally. This method is also called when remote notification is received.

  • notificationId: notification id. We need this id in case we would want to modify a notification.
  • template: template id. There are 2 templates available:
    • PushNotificationAndroid.TEMPLATE_COMMON: standard push notification with title and message,
    • PushNotificationAndroid.TEMPLATE_EVENT: push notification with custom template. Consists of: button with checkmark, small media image, url that should be opened on notification content click, title and text. When your app receive a remote notification with media or url data attributes then PushNotificationAndroid.TEMPLATE_EVENT will be used.
  • channelId: channel id. By default you should use the one from android manifest (as remote notifications use the same one).
  • data: notification data attributes.
  • priority: notification priority. Android >= 8 (SDK >= 26) uses notification channels to set priority. Android < 8 (SDK < 26) sets priority directly on a notification. So this priority field is for compatibility with Android < 8 (SDK < 26). Available notification priorities:
    • PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_MIN
    • PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_LOW
    • PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
    • PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_HIGH
    • PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_MAX
  • badgeNumber: badge number on the app icon
  • showAt: unix timestamp when push notification should be shown (can be used for scheduled notifications). If this param is set to 0 then notification is shown immediately. NOTICE: scheduled notifications work only for android >= 6 (SDK >= 23).

Example (default notification with title and message):

import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
const notificationId = 1;
const template = PushNotificationAndroid.TEMPLATE_COMMON;
const channelId = 'my_channel_id';
const data = {
	title: "my title",
	message: "my message"
const priority = PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_DEFAULT;
const badgeNumber = 10;
const showAt = 0;, template, channelId, data, priority, badgeNumber, showAt);

Example (custom notification template with checkmark button, media image, url that will be opened on notification content click, title and message):

import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
const template = PushNotificationAndroid.TEMPLATE_EVENT;
const channelId = 'my_channel_id';
const data = {
	title: "title", // optional (can be null)
	message: "my message", // optional (can be null)
	media: "", // optional (can be null)
	url: "" // optional (can be null)
const priority = PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_DEFAULT;
const badgeNumber = 10;
const showAt = 0;, template, channelId, data, priority, badgeNumber, showAt);

Example (scheduled notification which should be shown after 60 seconds have passed):

import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
import moment from 'moment';
const notificationId = 1;
const template = PushNotificationAndroid.TEMPLATE_COMMON;
const channelId = 'my_channel_id';
const data = {
	title: "my title",
	message: "my message"
const priority = PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_DEFAULT;
const badgeNumber = 10;
const showAt = moment().utc().unix() + 60;, template, channelId, data, priority, badgeNumber, showAt);

How to add a custom template to this repository

All new notification templates are added in native code. Let's add a weather notification template which shows current temperature (with a single text view).

  1. Create a new notification template file notification_template_weather.xml inside android/src/main/res/layout folder with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:layout_weight="1" />

We show a single text view with id textViewTemperature.

NOTICE: by default android notification height is 64dp so you should follow this rule.

NOTICE: not all layouts and widgets are supported in a custom push notification template. More info here.

  1. Modify the Templates object in PushNotificationModule.kt file:
object Templates {
    val COMMON = 0
    val EVENT = 1
    val WEATHER = 2 // your new template
  1. Modify the getConstants() method in PushNotificationModule.kt file so that your template could be accessible from React Native:
override fun getConstants(): MutableMap<String, Any> {
    val constants = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()
    // ... other constants
    constants.put("TEMPLATE_WEATHER", Templates.WEATHER) // your new template
    return constants
  1. Assign notification data attributes to the xml temlpate in show() method in PushNotificationModule.:
fun show(notificationId: Int, template: Int, channelId: String, data: ReadableMap, priority: Int = NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, badgeNumber: Int = 0, showAt: Int = 0) {
    // ... other templates
    if(template == Templates.WEATHER) {
        val remoteViews = RemoteViews(reactApplicationContext.packageName, R.layout.notification_template_weather)
        // assign "temperature" notification data attribute to "textViewTemperature" TextView in xml template
        remoteViews.setTextViewText(, data.getString("temperature"))
    // ... show notification code
  1. Modify CustomFirebaseMessagingService.kt service so that remote notifications could use your template. Add the following code to the onMessageReceived() method:
override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {
    // ... other code
    // if notification has "temperature" data attribute then use WEATHER template
    if(!"temperature").isNullOrEmpty()) {
        templateId = PushNotificationModule.Templates.WEATHER
    }, templateId, channelId, rnMap)
  1. Now all remote notifications with "temperature" data attribute by default will use WEATHER notification template. You can show local notification with the weather template using the following code:
import { PushNotificationAndroid } from '@cryptoticket/react-native-push-notification';
const notificationId = 1;
const template = PushNotificationAndroid.TEMPLATE_WEATHER;
const channelId = 'my_channel_id';
const data = {
    temperature: "+24 degrees"
const priority = PushNotificationAndroid.PRIORITY_DEFAULT;
const badgeNumber = 10;
const showAt = 0;, template, channelId, data, priority, badgeNumber, showAt);

How to add deep links support

By default main app screen is opened when user presses on any notification. With this package you can add the ability to open app via deep link on notification press. For example, if you receive content_id in notification data attributes then on notification press you can open app by deep link (ex: app://content/1) and inside your app handle this link as you need.

  1. Add intent filter to MainActivity section to AndroidManifest.xml file:
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
      <data android:scheme="app" android:host="content" />

Now your app should be able to handle deep links, for example app://content/1. You can open app from deep link via adb console command adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "app://content/1" com.example(use your app package name).

  1. Create a new native class that should extend existing broadcast receiver and override onNotificationPress() function:
package com.example;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

import com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.PushNotificationBroadcastReceiver;

public class CustomPushNotificationBroadcastReceiver extends PushNotificationBroadcastReceiver {
    public void onNotificationPress(Context context, Intent intent) {
        boolean shouldHandleDeepLink = true;
        if(shouldHandleDeepLink) {
            // list all notification data attributes
            Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
            if (bundle != null) {
                for (String key : bundle.keySet()) {
                    Log.d("CUSTOM RECEIVER", key + " : " + (bundle.get(key) != null ? bundle.get(key) : "NULL"));
            // open app by deep link
            Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
        } else {
            // open main app activity by default
            super.onNotificationPress(context, intent);

So you may check notification data attributes and depening on them open app from deep link or use the default behavior which opens app's main screen.

  1. Tell the package the class name of your broadcast receiver. Add the following xml to AndroidManifest.xml:
<!-- start optional notification settings -->
  	android:value="com.example.CustomPushNotificationBroadcastReceiver" />
<!-- end optional notification settings -->
  1. Tell the package that you're going to use your own broadcast receiver. Update the receiver name in AndroidManifest.xml.


<receiver android:name="com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.PushNotificationBroadcastReceiver" android:exported="true">


<receiver android:name=".CustomPushNotificationBroadcastReceiver" android:exported="true">
  1. Now you can get deep link in your app via React Native Linking library.

How to run example folder

  1. Inside the example folder run:
npm install
  1. Following this tutorial generate google-services.json and add it to example/android/app folder.


  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: GeneratedAppGlideModuleImpl is implemented incorrectly. If you've manually implemented this class, remove your implementation. The Annotation processor will generate a correct implementation.

You may get this error on app build if one of your npm dependencies uses glide. Solution is here. You should add the following code to your android/build.gradle:

project.ext {
    excludeAppGlideModule = true
  • twilio remote notifications

By default twilio wraps notification body(message) in twi_body param. This package expects param message to be a notification body, not twi_body. Solution: copy twi_body notification attribute to message attribute on remote notification receive.

Create a new class and extend existing CustomFirebaseMessagingService:

package com.example;

import com.cryptoticket.reactnativepushnotification.CustomFirebaseMessagingService;
import java.util.Map;

 * Extends react-native-push-notification message service.
public class MainMessagingService extends CustomFirebaseMessagingService {
    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
         * By default twilio sends notification body message in "twi_body" param.
         * Our lib needs notification message param to be called "message",
         * so we copy "twi_body" to "message" in remote message data map.
        if(remoteMessage.getData().containsKey("twi_body")) {
            remoteMessage.getData().put("message", remoteMessage.getData().get("twi_body"));
        // call parent method

Delete the default firebase service from the manifest:

     	<action android:name="" />

Add your custom service (which modifies twilio notification params) to the manifest:

  		<action android:name="" />


  • tests + docs "how to run tests"