Vue CLI 4 application for the biobank explorer; A card detail view on BBMRI-ERIC biobank / collection data
The biobank explorer is built on a specific data model. This is the BBMRI-ERIC model and consists of the following tables:
- eu_bbmri_eric_biobanks
- eu_bbmri_eric_collections
- eu_bbmri_eric_material_types
- eu_bbmri_eric_disease_types
- eu_bbmri_eric_lab_standards
Test model + data can be found in the 'sample-data' folder of this repository. Upload the data via the Advanced data import
You can configure 2 main settings in the Biobank Explorer.
- Google Analytics
- Negotiator
We use the Vue Analytics library to connect to Google Analytics. As administrator go to the application settings (/menu/admin/settings/sys_set_app)
Scroll down to Tracking and fill in the fields and add the GA_KEY to:
Google analytics tracking ID
This version of the biobank explorer is compatible with the Negotiator API in MOLGENIS version 8.3.10.
Facets (except search) can be removed from the list of facets by adding the facet name to an array in the config. This setting can be toggled using the runtimeOptions section in the or at runtime using the config entity
should contain an array with facet names that should be hidden.
You can find the names here in the filter definitions on github.
"appOptions": {
"disabledFilters": ["country"],
If you want to customize the collection table with additional columns containing an (categorical) mref, you can add these to the view using the following configuration:
"appOptions": {
"collectionColumns": [{ "label": "Size:", "column": "order_of_magnitude", "type": "categoricalmref" }],
Label is the label to show, column is the column name of the collection entity and type is the data type. If you do not specify a type, it will default to a string.
Currently the following types are available:
- mref / categoricalmref (renders as badges)
- string
- add prefix or suffix to the string like:
"prefix": "has"
"suffix": "samples"
- add prefix or suffix to the string like:
results in has X samples (where X is the value of the string)
- supply in the config:
"min": "column_with_min_value"
e.g: 'age_low'"max": "column_with_max_value"
e.g: 'age_high'"unit": "column_with_unit_value"
e.g: 'age_unit'
- supply in the config:
{ label: 'Size:', column: 'order_of_magnitude', type: 'object', property: 'size' }
order_of_magnitude query resolves to multiple values as a JSON object, here you can specify which property you want to show.
- optionally you can add
"display": "badge"
to display it as a badge
You can find the complete default list here or in the runtimeOptions
mind the correctness in the config using " around the key and value
You can remove the standard filters by deleting the filter config. If you deleted them and want them back, check src/config/initialFilterFacets.js
If you want to customize the collection table with additional columns containing an (categorical) mref, you can add these to the view using the following configuration:
"appOptions": {
"filterFacets": [
"headerClass": facet.headerClass || '',
"component": facet.component || 'CheckboxFilter',
"name": "name of the filter as shown in the bookmark, defaults to columnName if ommitted"
"label": facet.facetTitle || facet.label || facet.columnName,
"tableName": "table name for the values of the filter",
"columnName": "column name of the collection table to apply filter to",
"filterLabelAttribute": "If the source table of the options does not have a label or name, specify column here",
"initialDisplayItems": "for multifilters, defaults to 100",
"maxVisibleOptions": "Maximum amount of options to show per filter before the show more, default 25",
"showSatisfyAllCheckbox": "If the and / or checkbox is shown ",
"humanReadableString": "The header for the applied filters sent to the negotiator. EG: Sample(s):",
"hideFacet": "Should the facet be hidden or not on start.",
There are 2 ways to test and develop in apps for MOLGENIS.
- locally without MOLGENIS
- locally with MOLGENIS
For local testing you can execute the following commands:
# To install the application
yarn install
# To run develop mode
yarn serve
It will render a local version of the core variable catalogue.
You can run unit tests by executing this command:
# Run once
yarn test:unit
# Run in watch-mode
yarn debug
You can run end-to-end test locally by running the following command:
yarn test:e2e
For local testing with a running MOLGENIS instance you have to alter the config of the app:
Comment in the following block
module.exports = {
dev: {
// Paths
assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
assetsPublicPath: '/',
// Beginning of block
proxyTable: {
'/login': {
target: 'http://localhost:8080'
'/plugin/directory/export': {
target: 'http://localhost:8080'
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:8080'
// End of block
And comment out this block in the same file.
* GET and POST interceptors
* Removes the need for a running backend during development
No mock data available
That is it. Run a molgenis instance on localhost:8080 and start the core variable catalogue with:
yarn dev
See: App developement documentation
You can now create a working application that can be imported in MOLGENIS directly, by executing:
yarn build
You can find the zip-file in the dist/
To make a standalone docker image that can be run from the Rancher Cluster perform the following steps:
yarn build:preview
Then build the image with Docker (you have to have Docker running) with the following (tag is required):
docker build -t {tag} .
Then login to the registry
docker login {registry-adress}:{port}
Create a registry tag for the image
docker tag {tag} {registry-adress}:{port}/{imagename}:{optional tag}
Then upload the image to the registry (now you need the tag)
docker push {registry-adress}:{port}/{imagename}:{optional tag}
Now it's available from Rancher.
Go to Rancher, select correct cluster
workloads > deploy
Name > name for your workload
image > {registry-adress}/{imagename}:{optional tag}
select correct namespace
Add port > portname: http, publish port: 80, as a: cluster-ip
env variable: API {molgenis instance you want e.g. molgenis1}
workloads > loadbalancing
add ingress
website name {description}
specify hostname: {logicalname}
path /, target your created workload, port 80