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site specific customization of cdb plugin

craigmcchesney edited this page Jan 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Here are some lessons learned from troubleshooting the LBL plugin customization when upgrading them from CDB 3.8 to 3.9.

In a nutshell, LBL did customization to the code and config for the pdmlink and traveler plugins. These were only in the development directories for the plugins, but the configs never got “synced” back to the etc directory and therefore not visible to the new cdb 3.9 directory.

To solve the problem, here’s more or less what we did:

  1. /epics-services/aps-cdb/current/tools/developer_tools/cdb_plugins/ to undeploy all the plugins.
  2. use to deploy just the traveler and pdmlink plugins. Still experienced the same errors as Sunday starting the web service.
  3. copy the pdmlink (./src/python/cdb/cdb_web_service/plugins/pdmLink or tools/developer_tools/cdb_plugins/plugins/pdmLink) and traveler (./src/java/CdbWebPortal/src/java/gov/anl/aps/cdb/portal/plugins/support/traveler/ plugin configs from the old installation to /epics-services/aps-cdb/etc/plugins-cdb/[pdmLink, traveler]
  4. deploy the pdmlink and traveler plugins again, but this time pointing to “another directory”, the plugin directory for the 3.8 installation: /epics-services/aps-cdb/ComponentDB3.8.0/tools/developer_tools/cdb_plugins/plugins.