π LangGraph for Swift. A library for building stateful, multi-actor applications with LLMs, developed to work with LangChain-Swift.
It is a porting of original LangGraph from LangChain AI project in Swift fashion
To use the LangGraph for Swift library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/bsorrentino/LangGraph-Swift.git", from: "3.0.1"),
Include LangGraph
as a dependency for your executable target:
.target(name: "<target>", dependencies: [
.product(name: "LangGraph", package: "LangGraph-Swift"),
Finally, add import LangGraph
to your source code.
The main type of graph in langgraph
is the StatefulGraph
. This graph is parameterized by a state object that it passes around to each node. Each node then returns operations to update that state. These operations can either SET specific attributes on the state (e.g. overwrite the existing values) or ADD to the existing attribute. Whether to set or add is denoted by initialize the property with a AppendableValue
. The State must be compliant with AgentState
protocol that essentially is a Dictionary wrapper
public protocol AgentState {
var data: [String: Any] { get }
init( _ initState: [String: Any] )
We now need to define a few different nodes in our graph. In langgraph, a node is a function that accept an AgentState
as argument. There are two main nodes we need for this:
- The agent: responsible for deciding what (if any) actions to take.
- A function to invoke tools: if the agent decides to take an action, this node will then execute that action.
We will also need to define some edges. Some of these edges may be conditional. The reason they are conditional is that based on the output of a node, one of several paths may be taken. The path that is taken is not known until that node is run (the LLM decides).
- Conditional Edge: after the agent is called, we should either:
- If the agent said to take an action, then the function to invoke tools should be called
- If the agent said that it was finished, then it should finish
- Normal Edge: after the tools are invoked, it should always go back to the agent to decide what to do next
We can now put it all together and define the graph! (see example below)
In the LangChainDemo project, you can find the porting of AgentExecutor from LangChain Swift project using LangGraph. Below you can find a piece of code of the AgentExecutor
to give you an idea of how to use it.
struct AgentExecutorState : AgentState {
// describes the properties that have particular Reducer related function
// AppenderChannel<T> is a built-in channel that manage array of values
static var schema: Channels = {
"intermediate_steps": AppenderChannel<(AgentAction, String)>(),
"chat_history": AppenderChannel<BaseMessage>(),
var data: [String : Any]
init(_ initState: [String : Any]) {
data = initState
// from langchain
var input:String? {
var chatHistory:[BaseMessage]? {
value("chat_history" )
var agentOutcome:AgentOutcome? {
var intermediate_steps: [(AgentAction, String)]? {
value("intermediate_steps" )
let workflow = StateGraph( channels: AgentExecutorState.schema ) {
AgentExecutorState( $0 )
try workflow.addNode("call_agent" ) { state in
guard let input = state.input else {
throw CompiledGraphError.executionError("'input' argument not found in state!")
guard let intermediate_steps = state.intermediate_steps else {
throw CompiledGraphError.executionError("'intermediate_steps' property not found in state!")
let step = await agent.plan(input: input, intermediate_steps: intermediate_steps)
switch( step ) {
case .finish( let finish ):
return [ "agent_outcome": AgentOutcome.finish(finish) ]
case .action( let action ):
return [ "agent_outcome": AgentOutcome.action(action) ]
throw CompiledGraphError.executionError( "Parsed.error" )
try workflow.addNode("call_action" ) { state in
guard let agentOutcome = state.agentOutcome else {
throw CompiledGraphError.executionError("'agent_outcome' property not found in state!")
guard case .action(let action) = agentOutcome else {
throw CompiledGraphError.executionError("'agent_outcome' is not an action!")
let result = try await toolExecutor( action )
return [ "intermediate_steps" : (action, result) ]
try workflow.setEntryPoint("call_agent")
try workflow.addConditionalEdge( sourceId: "call_agent", condition: { state in
guard let agentOutcome = state.agentOutcome else {
throw CompiledGraphError.executionError("'agent_outcome' property not found in state!")
switch agentOutcome {
case .finish:
return "finish"
case .action:
return "continue"
}, edgeMapping: [
"continue" : "call_action",
"finish": END])
try workflow.addEdge(sourceId: "call_action", targetId: "call_agent")
let app = try workflow.compile()
let result = try await app.invoke(inputs: [ "input": input, "chat_history": [] ])
print( result )