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Couchbase Lite Flutter Plugin

This plugin provides Flutter support for Couchbase Lite, enabling developers to integrate powerful mobile database capabilities and web into their Flutter applications[2].


Couchbase Lite Flutter Plugin allows you to leverage the full potential of Couchbase Lite in your Flutter projects. It offers a seamless integration between Flutter and Couchbase Lite, providing a robust solution for offline-first mobile application and web support.


To use this plugin in your Flutter project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  couchbase_lite_flutter: ^latest_version

Replace latest_version with the most recent version of the plugin[2].


Here's a basic example of how to use the Couchbase Lite Flutter Plugin in your application:

Code Example

import 'package:cbl/cbl.dart';

Future<void> run() async {
  // Open the database (creating it if it doesn’t exist).
  final database = await Database.openAsync('chat_database');

  // Create a collection for chat messages, or return it if it already exists.
  final collection = await database.createCollection('messages');

  // Create a new chat message document.
  final mutableDocument = MutableDocument({
    'sender': 'Alice',
    'recipient': 'Bob',
    'message': 'Hello, Bob!',
  await collection.saveDocument(mutableDocument);

    'Created message with id ${} from '
    '${mutableDocument.string('sender')} to ${mutableDocument.string('recipient')}.',

  // Update the message.
  mutableDocument.setString('Hello, Bob! How are you?', key: 'message');
  await collection.saveDocument(mutableDocument);

    'Updated message with id ${}, '
    'new message: ${mutableDocument.string("message")!}.',

  // Read the message document.
  final document = (await collection.document(!;

    'Read message with id ${}, '
    'from ${document.string('sender')} to ${document.string('recipient')} with '
    'content: ${document.string('message')}.',

  // Create a query to fetch all messages sent by Alice.
  print('Querying messages sent by Alice.');
  final query = await database.createQuery('''
    SELECT * FROM messages
    WHERE sender = 'Alice'

  // Run the query.
  final result = await query.execute();
  final results = await result.allResults();
  print('Number of messages sent by Alice: ${results.length}');

  // Close the database.
  await database.close();


  • Full Couchbase Lite API: Access to all Couchbase Lite features including CRUD operations, queries, and replication.
  • Cross-platform: Works on both iOS, Android and Web platforms.
  • Offline-first: Build mobile apps that work offline and sync when a connection is available.
  • Performance: Utilizes native Couchbase Lite libraries for optimal performance.


For detailed documentation and API reference, please visit our official documentation page.


We welcome contributions to the Couchbase Lite Flutter Plugin!.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


For questions, feature requests, or bug reports, please file an issue on our GitHub issues page.