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Couchbase Go Client Benchmarks

Test Behaviour

This test harness contains four separate benchmarking implementations. Below describes the known caveats and implementation details of each implementation along with the tunable parameters.

Note: All clients are configured not to perform JSON serialization/deserialization. Either by configuring their respective clients such that they do not perform transcoding, or by using specific methods which are intended for raw access and do not deserialize.

Note: This synthetic benchmark is designed to replicate a 100% GET workload. A number of documents are preloaded by the tests and then randomly selected for each operation which is performed. Any allocations and time related to this behaviour is not included in bench times.


This implementation uses v2 of the gocb client. The test will create num-concurrent-ops number of goroutines, and each goroutine will execute as many serialized GET operations as possible. Upon test completion, the goroutines will finish any running operations, finalize and the test will end.


This implementation uses v9 of the gocbcore client (the same as bundled with gocb v2 above). This test will execute num-concurrent-ops asynchronous operations at the beginning of the test. Upon completion of each op, an additional op will be dispatched such that there are always the same number of operations pending. Upon test completion, pending ops will be completed and then the test will end.


This implementation uses the go-couchbase client. This test behaves similar to the gocb test. The test will create num-concurrent-ops number of goroutines, and each goroutine will execute as many serialized GET operations as possible. Upon test completion, the goroutines will finish any running operations, finalize and the test will end.


This implementation also uses the go-couchbase client, but instead attempts to take advantage of the bulk getting capabilities within this client. The test will create num-concurrent-ops number of goroutines. Each goroutine will perform a bulk get for batch-size items. Upon test completion, the goroutines will finish any running operations, finalize and the test will end.

Note: In this test, the average latency will naturally be higher as every batch-size group of documents needs to wait for all the documents contained within that group. As expected, this increases latency but does not impact the overall throughput (represented as docs/s).

Test Results

The system under test consisted of a 3 node cluster, running all services. Each system consisted of 8 VCPUs and 64GB RAM (r5.2xlarge) running on AWS. The client system was identical to one of the nodes (but did not run on one of the nodes). All systems were within the same AWS region and availability zone.

Tests tunables were adjusted manually through a number of ranges to initially produce the highest possible throughput, and then parameters were adjusted to yield the lowest possible latency while maintaining a throughput within 10% of the initially discovered peak.

Quick Table

SDK Avg. CPU Docs/S Avg. Latency Tuning
gocb 713% 26,418 2.10ms num-concurrent-ops=64
gocbcore 476% 165,957 0.29ms conn-pool-size=1,num-concurrent-ops=128
gocbcore 497% 168,356 2.55ms conn-pool-size=1,num-concurrent-ops=512
gocbcore 688% 299,204 1.21ms conn-pool-size=8,num-concurrent-ops=512
gocouch 783% 42,782 2.57ms num-concurrent-ops=128
gocouch 769% 39,555 5.98ms num-concurrent-ops=256
gocouchbulk 660% 118,567 16.69ms num-concurrent-ops=256, batch-size=512

Note: Any unspecified tunning options here implies that the default values from the client are used.



$ ./cbgoclibench \
  ... \
  --doc-count=65536 \
  --duration=60s \
  --num-concurrent-ops=64 \

Ran for 60029ms
Read 1560675 docs
Had 0 errors
Average docs/s of 26418.25
Average latency of 2.102503 milliseconds

gocbcore (default connection pool)

$ ./cbgoclibench \
  ... \
  --doc-count=65536 \
  --duration=60s \
  --conn-pool-size=1 \
  --max-queue-size=2048 \
  --num-concurrent-ops=512 \

Ran for 60002ms
Read 10101712 docs
Had 0 errors
Average docs/s of 168356.25
Average latency of 2.556910 milliseconds

gocbcore (non-default connection pool)

$ ./cbgoclibench \
  ... \
  --doc-count=65536 \
  --duration=60s \
  --conn-pool-size=8 \
  --max-queue-size=16384 \
  --num-concurrent-ops=512 \

Ran for 60001ms
Read 17952586 docs
Had 0 errors
Average docs/s of 299204.78
Average latency of 1.215389 milliseconds


$ ./cbgoclibench \
  ... \
  --doc-count=65536 \
  --duration=60s \
  --num-concurrent-ops=128 \

Ran for 60024ms
Read 2567980 docs
Had 0 errors
Average docs/s of 42782.55
Average latency of 2.573395 milliseconds

Demonstration that increasing concurrent ops negatively affects performance in go-couchbase:

$ ./cbgoclibench \
  ... \
  --doc-count=65536 \
  --duration=60s \
  --num-concurrent-ops=256 \

Ran for 60074ms
Read 2376232 docs
Had 0 errors
Average docs/s of 39555.08
Average latency of 5.989729 milliseconds


$ ./cbgoclibench \
  ... \
  --doc-count=65536 \
  --duration=60s \
  --num-concurrent-ops=4 \
  --batch-size=512 \

Ran for 60016ms
Read 7115964 docs
Had 0 errors
Average docs/s of 118567.78
Average latency of 16.693686 milliseconds

Note, many variants of tuning this were attempted, the above represents the best possible balance of performance without significantly impacting latency.


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