usage: ./quadtree [-c1 factor | -c2 factor | -d] [input_file] [output_file]
-c1: build the compression tree and output the number of levels, the blocks of picture compressed in the factor and the biggest square of pixels undivided
-c2: binary output of the compression tree by levels
-d: decompression of the file => ".ppm" file of P6 type
input_file: P6 ".ppm" file, works only with square pictures (powers of 2)
output_file: for the first two arguments: simple file, for the decompression: ".ppm" file
This is a short explanation of the contents of the archive and my implementaIption
- main.c : - reads I/O files - initializations, gets the quad tree from the input file using the arguments given, selects the task - frees memory allocated
- auxiliary.c: - compressed quad tree auxiliary functions - I/O auxiliary functions - implementation functions
- grid.c : - initialization of the grid/ pixel array function - reading the grid/ pixel array from .ppm file function - freeing the memory allocated for the grid/ pixel array function
- queue.c : - initialization of queue function - adding an element to queue function - extracting an element from queue function - freeing allocated memory for queue function
- stats.c : - getting the number of levels from the compression tree function - getting the number of leafs from the compression tree function - getting the level of the highest leaf from the compression tree function - printing in file the nr. of level, nr. of leafs, least compression function
- compress.c : - printing in binary file the size of image, type of node and BFS of tree function
- decompress.c : - reading a node from compressed file function - building the quad tree function - getting the quad tree using a queue function - creating image in array of pixels from tree function - writing array of pixels into .ppm file function - writing header and image in .ppm file function
- quadtree.h : - MACROS - used libraries - headers for functions from all .c files - structures for pixel, quad tree and queue
- I/O: based on arguments, I preffered to use two function to read the input and output files according to the case and the placement of filepath in CLI arguments
- if the requested tasks are either -c1 or -c2, we know the input file is of type .pmm, therefore it is required to read the header and after that, the image, placed in a pixel array named size, later used to extract the pixels based on average and mean, calculated by the given formulas, to determine the compression tree
- if the requested task is -d, we know the input file is a compression file consisting of the BFS of the compression tree, therefore we use a queue to complete the quad tree and rearange the nodes in the tree, based on their types and order in the file
- for task1/ stats: 3 functions which determine the needed information. For the third piece of information I considered the best approach is to divide the initial size to 2 ^ level of highest leaf, given that the compression is divided by 2 each level of the compression tree
- for task2/ compression: I used a queue to remember the children of parents from the quad tree and to implement the BFS of the tree to printf in the output file.
- for task3/ decompression: I considered this to be the combined reverse process of tasks 1 and 2. Firstly, I use two functions to read the type and, if node is a leaf, the RGB values of each node from the compressed file. If the type was 0, the children are read and placed in an auxiliary queue, thus completing the tree. Afterwards, i place the elements from the tree in grid, a pixel array, reversing the proccess of reading the file for cases -c1, -c2. Continuing, I print the specific header for the .ppm type file and I print the grid.
- I decided to distribute my code in multiple source files with suggestive names in order to make it easy to find functions related to grid/ queue/ tasks/ etc.