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Version 1.0.0

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@coreybutler coreybutler released this 02 Apr 01:15

This is an archive of the original version of Fenix (1.0.0).

What is Fenix?

Fenix is a utility for times when you just need a quick server. Just specify a port number and directory (as the web root) and fire it up. This can be really useful when you need the HTTP transport but don't want to setup a new site in IIS/Apache/NGINX/etc. For example, Fenix can serve .json files with ease, so mocking up data can be a snap.

Creating a Fenix Server

Just click the "new" option to toggle the menu. Click on the port circle to create a port. Click the New Server Name to provide a descriptive title for the server. Type in a directory path, then click the green add button.


You can also select the pencil icon to browse for a directory.


Fire up/Kill on Command

Start and stop servers as you see fit.


The server data is saved automatically, so the next time you boot up Fenix, all of your servers will still be there.


If you're using node-webkit, you can clone the repository and run nw src to run the app.


Download the file and unzip the contents to the desktop. This will provide a folder called fenix with a file inside called fenix.exe. Run this file to open the program.


Coming soon...