- List
- Arrays
- Data class
- obeseincome class
- ObesityIncomeCorrelation class
we() - returns List
getState() - returns String state
getWhite() - returns obesity rate of white ethnic group in a state
getBlack() - returns obesity rate of black ethnic group in a state
getHispanic() - returns obesity rate of Hispanic group in a state
getOverall() - returns average obesity rate of all the ethnic groups in a state
getIncome() - returns average income in a state in a state
getPearsonCorrelation() - returns Pearson correlation value as double
setState() - sets the name of a state
setWhite() - sets the obesity rate of white ethnic group in a state
setBlack() - sets the obesity rate of Black ethnic group in a state
setHispanic() - sets the obesity rate of Hispanic think group in a state
setOverall - sets the average obesity rate in a state
setIncome - sets the average income in a state
Result() - displays the result of Pearson correlation
junit-4.10.jar - used for unit testing
junit-4.10.jar was used for unit testing in NetBeans. The test class was named JUnitTest.java which is in Test packages folder. Unit test was implemented for all get methods in Data class.
- testGetState()
- testGetWhite()
- testGetBlack()
- testGetHispanic()
- testGetOverall()
- testGetIncome()
- testListSize()
All 6 tests passed in 0.535 seconds.
- NetBeans IDE 8.0.2
- Eclipses
- JavaFX
- ObjectAid for class diagram
- Obesity prevalence rate.cvs (data)
- model.png (class diagram)
Obesity rate tends to increase with Average Income.