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This is a program designed to take a packet capture and produce a HAR (json) file summarising the http conversations contained within. Browsers commonly allow you to produce HAR files from their developer consoles so this should be a fairly common format.


This program requires libpcap to build and run. On Linux you typically install a development version of the library like this on Debian and Ubuntu variants:

sudo apt install libpcap-dev

On Windows download and install npcap from The regular installer is sufficient, you shouldn't need the SDK.

On Mac's/BSD the library bindings required should be there out of the box (no further action required).

Note that it's assumed you have Go installed, and also make (without make look at the commands in the Makefile, that is mostly being used for convenience rather than because things are particularly complex).

git clone
cd pcap2har-go
sudo make install


sudo tcpdump port 80 -w packets.dump
pcap2har packets.dump > traffic.har

HAR files contain a lot of info you probably don't need. I like to use tools like jq to boil down the json into more concise info.

For example:

pcap2har packets.dump | jq '.log.entries[] | { url: .request.url, response: (if .response.content.mimeType == "application/json" then .response.content.text | fromjson else .response.content.text end), response_status: .response.status, query_string: .request.queryString }'


This is a quick stab at a replacement for pcap2har written in Go.

This is not complete, and is largely been driven by occasions where I need to analyse packet captures. If you want a more complete program that does this look at That is a python program using scapy that I have been using to do this before.

The idea is to detect all HTTP traffic in a packet capture and turn it into a HAR file for simpler analysis. Browsers commonly output har files and it's a json is a convenient format to look through.

Note that it's not going to do well with TLS traffic, so this won't be much use for most traffic you do with the outside these days. This is often really handy for development however. Especially with internal web service development.

This is largely based off the example in the documentation:

Bugs / limitations

It has various limitations.

  • joining up 2 sides of the conversation seems flawed.
  • http details may be obscured as the libraries I'm using automatically decode http features like chunked encoding. This can be really useful (not having to decode base64 content), or frustrating when those details are what would help you spot a problem.
  • I haven't looked at how you'd decode TLS traffic. Presumably I'd need to provide keys for that.
  • Websockets aren't decoded.
  • The time for the entry will be derived from the timing of the data packets, without taking into consideration the TCP handshake. Time to process the request is from when the first data packet is sent until the last is received.
  • Data not understood or missing is likely to be silently dropped with no indication that it was missed.
  • FastCGI implementation is very simple and crude and complex. It's a hack job of the existing go library fcgi code shoe horned into this code base in an ugly way and lightly tested. It ought to be possible to expose more of the cool stuff from the fastcgi stream like errors.

I have replicated some of the existing tcp reader code to give access to the timing information I have extracted. It might be good to contribute this back to the main library.

Large or sketchy packet captures may well cause problems. The reader doesn't really join up both sides of the conversation for me so I'm using the address pair to link them up, but if you got a repeat, that would go wrong. Also I'm not really checking for dropped packets. The library I'm using is paying attention to things like that, so it might be that all we do is not include those conversations in the output.

We're also loading all this data into memory before outputting it to json.

In short, there's plenty more to do before this is complete, the code is more a proof of concept at this point. It is amazing how far you can get so quickly with the existing Go libraries.

It's only been very lightly tested so far. It really needs a lot of work before it's production ready.


If you're having issues with the output in practice, and you want to grab the data being processed to help create a test the simplest way is to patch the code a little like this:

diff --git internal/reader/reader.go internal/reader/reader.go
index 6a22c3b..f311b1e 100644
--- internal/reader/reader.go
+++ internal/reader/reader.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package reader

 import (
+	"bytes"
@@ -51,8 +52,16 @@ type ReaderStream interface {

 // ReadRequest tries to read tcp connections and extract HTTP conversations.
 func (h *HTTPConversationReaders) ReadRequest(r ReaderStream, a, b gopacket.Flow) {
	t := NewTimeCaptureReader(r)
-	spr := NewSavePointReader(t)
+	var debug bytes.Buffer
+	tee := io.TeeReader(t, &debug)
+	defer func() {
+		ioutil.WriteFile(b.String()+".test", debug.Bytes(), 0644)
+	}()
+	spr := NewSavePointReader(tee)
	for {
		buf := bufio.NewReader(spr)

Note that this patch may not apply cleanly, this is just an example of a quick and simple way to generate files with the data being processed.


This program uses go modules so dependencies can be updated in the usual way.

go get -u ./...
make test


go mod tidy
git add go.mod go.sum


Turn a pcap (tcpdump) file into a har (json) file.





