Edit the .env
file to set your database password.
Create a network
docker network create reverse-proxy
Edit the docker-compose.yml
and docker-compose.proxy.yml
and change the environments to your necessity:
Environment | service |
web |
web |
web |
nginx-letsencrypt |
PS: Let's Encrypt only work in servers when the
have a valid public domain registered in a DNS server. Don't try to use in localhost, don't work!
After finish the setup, access this url: https://localhost/settings/admin/overview.
If is necessary run any occ command, run like this:
docker-compose exec -u www-data app ./occ db:add-missing-indices
docker-compose exec -u www-data app ./occ db:convert-filecache-bigint
If you need custom settings in PHP, change the file .docker/app/config/php.ini
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose.proxy.yml up -d
Change the Dockerfile in line 1 and put your prefered version of NextCloud.
Build the images, down the containers and get up again:
docker-compose build
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
If you want to see the changes, run:
docker-compose logs -ft
You will see this message in the logs and other many upgrade messages:
app_1 | 2020-04-28T19:49:38.568623133Z Initializing nextcloud ...
app_1 | 2020-04-28T19:49:38.577733913Z Upgrading nextcloud from ...