This repository is to provide the stating point and ongoing resources/notes for a one-to-one course am running teaching the basic skills of web design.
Course is broken down to 10 weekly sessions, each session lasting approximately 2 hours.
HTML vs XHTML Rules & Syntax: tags, elements and attributes The DOM Declaring documents: doctypes, titles and meta Structure and Hierarchy: Block-level elements Making Lists Anchors and links Formatting text Images and tables Forms Character entities
Microformats Structural Elements Rich Media New Forms Browser support
Web Standards Progressive Enhancement Accessibility 101
History lesson The Cascade Rules: selectors, properties and values Selectors: descendants, attributes and pseudo-selectors Specificity and inheritance Using and organising stylesheets
Text formatting Positioning: document flow and the box model Positioning: floats Embellishing: colour, borders and backgrounds Common browser bugs
Media Queries Rounded corners, shadows and other jazz Browser support
Javascript for dummies: strings, arrays, functions and variables jQuery, document.ready() and organising scripts (The crowd go) DOM Selectors Manipulating the DOM Traversing the DOM Events and effects (Fire)Bug testing and the console
Setting up a server PHP for dummies: revisiting strings, arrays, functions and variables Hello World: writing to screen Working with your environment: URLs, $_GET, $_POST and $_SERVER Introduction to Databases Sessions & Cookies
Simple content management
Checklist …