Ontological inferences for Datomic.
Add the following dependency to project.clj
{:dependencies [[com.cognitect/onto "0.1.0"]]}
This library provides a semantic layer for entities and attributes stored in Datomic. The semantics are a subset of those found in RDFs and OWL.
The vars onto.core/core-schemata
and onto.traits/trait-schema
be transacted into your schema before you can use this. Each contains
a sequence of transactions. Because the schemata define new attributes
and use them, you cannot transact the schema all at once.
The onto.core/bootstrap
function is a convenience function to load
the schemata.
The core premise is that entities can be found to belong to one or more classes. This is different than OO design, where you prescribe class membership at creation time. Here an entity may gain or lose classes by virtue of properties and values that are attached to it.
A Class is also an entity, therefore it is possible to create classes of classes.
An entity is found to be part of a class when:
- It is directly stated as such, via the
function. - It is a member of a subclass of the class
- It is the target of a property whose range is the class.
- It is the owner of a property whose domain is the class.
These rules all hold for subproperties of the property in question as well.
Properties are represented as Datomic attributes on entities. An
(object property) resolves to another entity. A
(data property) resolves to a value. Both kinds of
property may be single- or multi-valued.
Object-valued facts can be added by declaring triples with the
function t
. A triple consists of a subject, property, and entity.
All the declarations return datoms. Properties and classes are
instantiated the first time they are mentioned. The function
helps weed out duplication in datoms from multiple
declarations. nodes
does a similar job for datoms created by v
This is distilled from onto.examples.ecommerce.
;; A short description is a string
(dtproperty :short-description :string :one)
;; Any entity that has a short description is a SKU
(domain :short-description "SKU")
;; A street-date is a point in time
(dtproperty :street-date :instant :one)
;; Any entity that has a street date is a SKU
(domain :street-date "SKU")
;; A long description is a string
(dtproperty :long-description :string :one))
;; Create an entity with values that make it a SKU
(defn make-sku
([id sd ld]
(make-sku id sd ld nil))
([id sd ld avail]
(let [uri (sku id)]
(v uri :short-description sd)
(v uri :long-description ld)
(v uri :street-date avail)))))
;; Ask if the entity with label "sku:1234" is in fact a SKU
(has-class? "sku:1234" "SKU")
;; Ask if that entity is sellable
(has-class? "sku:1234" "Available")
Copyright 2013 Relevance, Inc.
Copyright 2014-2018 Cognitect, Inc.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0) which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license.
You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.