This is a terminal maze game I wrote in Rust for fun.
- Randomly generated maze
- Customize maze height and width
- Tracks your path through the maze
- Can help you solve the maze
- Watch the game go through the maze
cargo build
cargo run
cargo run -- -h
Terminal maze game
Usage: maze [OPTIONS]
--height <HEIGHT> [default: 10]
--width <WIDTH> [default: 10]
-b, --breadcrumbs Show red dots along your path
-m, --mode <MODE> Watch the game solve the maze [default: play] [possible values: play, watch]
-h, --help Print help
- Use ← ↑ ↓ → to move.
- Use Esc or q to quit.
- Use Space to get a hint!
- Use b to show a trail of breadcrumbs.