Quick start guide list:
- Install NodeJs
- Create mlab account for mongoDB
- Install jsonwebtoken and bcrypt module
- npm install jsonwebtoken
- npm install bcrypt
API check list
- This API is return all customer's list if the following conditions are matched
- Method : GET
- If user role is admin
- If user is loggedIn then pass JWT token into header Likes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zu2J8KOgQIaAvjcqwvPZMq_Ol7gRemHz/view
- If user is not loggedIn then this will return following response Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hTq_3DeTljQP0KGzhCU0fYS9NtBNWlTu/view?usp=drivesdk
- This API is return all customer's list if the following conditions are matched
- This API is used for register customer using following condition's
- Method : PUT (reason for put methods here because we want to insert new resource )
- In this API just pass header Content-Type: application/json or whatever you want in to response
- The purpose to use this API is to register user with the specific role like : user,admin
- Please check Restlet Client schreenshot for more clarification Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1urhWZ7WmhViCsKUzNB6xd9ghC7Sg93l1/view?usp=drivesdk
- This API is used for register customer using following condition's
- This API is used for login of the customer using the following condition
- Pass email/password of the customer header Content-Type: application/json or whatever you want in to response.
- If the user is registered user then this will return JWT token with message : "Success"
- If the user is not found then simply return message": "User not found."
- This API is used for login of the customer using the following condition
- Method : GET
- This API return user details when user pass JWT token and email id of the customer based on the email id the data is return
- This API is return customer details only when the role of the user is admin
- Pass emailId from query parameters Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fw03ZzG60J8hkWfzV7hv4q0wsOLjQIwm/view?usp=drivesdk
- Method : POST
- Same condition's like getUserDetails API but where user and customer both can update data Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CInwrTVvdcPLCXvmuaFO1V_SMUDwVxNq/view?usp=drivesdk
- Method : POST
- This API is use to delete all customer from database
- The role of the user should be admin
- This just return { message: 'Customer record successfully deleted' } if user is admin otherwise { message: "Unauthorised access" }
- Method: POST
- This API is work only when the user is login when the user will call this API with JWT token then he/his performe this action
- As per the data structure of balanced or unbalanced string of parenthesis i used stack to maintain the stack of the string
- Algorithm:
Store opening anf closing braces into two separeted array
Read the string from left to right
Read character from closingBraces array from current character index if exist then
if stack is empty then return false its means the string is not balanced
if stack is not empty then pop one element's from stack and check it on openingBraces array with closingBaces index if the pop-ed character and openingBraces is not same then return the string is not balanced
if not character is not exist then push to stack
continue this process until to reach end of the string
When string is empty then check if stack is alos empty then return true else return false
Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zD31rPHAqGhrUMDGCm0CwQCRlC5wxjSl/view?usp=drivesdk
Code Explanation :
- The purpose to add middleware here is to check if the user is passing JWT token or not Before calling API
- If user passing JWT token then we assign the user is defined
- If user does not passing the JWT token the we assign the user is undefined Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nGQlXKOLxDuZSyUbsd34AsuWfHmgOnpU/view?usp=drivesdk
- Check this links https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oq-mtwhjhXxbd0PIFcRtO_klAYhsBE7A/view?usp=drivesdk for more information
- As you can see there is one function is called on most of API routes which is userHandlers.loginRequired the purpose to user this function is that we want to disallow customer to access these API directly these API is only and only access by the user if the user is login
Thanks for reading this document hope you enjoy this documents feel free to ask if you have any doubts