CoverageBadge is a PHP library for creating SVG coverage badges from Clover XML files.
composer require codebtech/coveragebadge --dev
- Produces a code coverage badge utilizing a Clover coverage XML file
- Creates a code coverage badge from several Clover XML files, automatically incorporating the coverage percentages
- Accepts a coverage name as an input to include in the generated badge
- Execute the command to generate badge for single Clover XML input
vendor/bin/coverage-badge /path/to/clover.xml /path/to/badge/destination.svg test-name
- To blend multiple Clover files, enumerate the XML inputs separated by commas and use the command
vendor/bin/coverage-badge /path/to/clover.xml,/path/to/clover2.xml /path/to/badge/destination.svg test-name
This library is inspired by JASchilz/PHPCoverageBadge