Python wrapper for the Eduplay API (maintained by RNP). Made to be as lightweight as possible, only requires Requests!
git clone
cd PyRNP
pip3 install .
- Create a client
from pyrnp import RNP
client = RNP(
username="[email protected]",
- Perform actions
client.upload("video.mp4", "video_unique_id")
client.publish("video.mp4", "video_unique_id", "title", "test upload", thumbnail="thumb.png")
Other utilization examples can be found in Examples
In order to obtain your client key and ID, you must contact RNP directly.
Depending on your permissions (if they're not clear, contact RNP support), you might not need tokens in order to publish/upload/change/delete videos. This is why I've made OAuth2 disabled by default. In order to get a token, you can follow the RNP documentation here.
- Add other API functions
This program is licensed under the GNU Affero license