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C&C Community Logo

C&C Community Website

CnC.Community is a website that hopes to serve as an aggregate for C&C news and modding content from across the community; as well as provide a platform for influencers and livestreamers from the wider C&C community to promote their content.

Why is it necessary?

Check out our mission

🚀 Quick start


Node 14.21.3

docker-compose -f docker-dev-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-dev-compose.yml up -d 
docker-compose -f docker-dev-compose.yml exec app bash ./

Vite Configuration

To access public routes you may need to have the vite manifest.json file configured. To do this you can run npm install && npm run build within the src directory.


docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec app bash ./

Seeding Leaderboard for Local Development

  • Login to localhost:8080/admin/dashboard with local env credentials: [email protected] & password
  • Run the leaderboard sync. This will require Steam credentials to be filled into the src/.env file.
# exec into your running app container
docker exec -it <container-id> sh

# manually run the sync commands
php artisan remasters:sync
php artisan ninebitarmies:sync

# additional graph sync command
php artisan cache:graphstats
  • Login to phpmyadmin localhost:8081/ with root and cnccommunity. Run the sql queries in the cnccommunity_ladder table:
ALTER TABLE `matches` ADD INDEX `matches_leaderboard_history_id_index` (leaderboard_history_id)
  • Fulltext search for player ids/names
ALTER TABLE `matches` ADD FULLTEXT `matches_fulltext_players_index` (players)
ALTER TABLE `matches` ADD FULLTEXT `matches_fulltext_names_index` (names)


Steam API Key

It seems after a period of time steam API key expire. If anything steam related on the site is no longer displaying, edit the .env and update STEAM_API_KEY with a new steam key. Register a new steam key here: Clear site wide cache the site should be fetching steam related content again.


It could be the symlink for images needs to be updated for you. If so run rm -rf public/storage from the src.

  • Get container id by running docker ps
  • Relink symlink for storage docker exec -it <container_id> php artisan storage:link

Getting setup without docker

  • Create a database and rename env.example to .env, updating DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD
  • In the src directory is the standard Laravel files. Run the following commands:
    composer install
    npm install
    php artisan migrate migrate:fresh --seed
    php artisan storage:link
    php artisan serve --port=8080