Spellcheck is a tool which, given a text, will search for misspelled words and will suggest alternative spellings.
For the API setup, please refer to Redis and Hiredis installation.
To build spellcheck, run make
in the root directory.
Testing has been conducted with the Criterion testing framework and ShellTestRunner.
If spellcheck is run without a file, it directs the user to the following screen:
Please load a file to begin. Additionally, select an output mode and/or choose dictionary before running the program.
[f] [/path/file.txt] : Input text file
[d] [/path/dictionary.txt] : Input custom dictionary file
[m] [number] : Mode [1 - Quiet, 2 - Verbose, 3 - Interactive]
[c] : Enable/Disable color
[h] : Help
[q] : Quit program
spellcheck >
For each detected error, the interactive mode produces: (1) An indication of the location of the error
Line: 1:
I have a splling checker
(2) Generated suggestions, and options to delete the word, input an alternative word, or skip for users
Possible replacements for word splling are:
[1] : selling
[2] : spelling
[3] : billing
[4] : calling
[d] : Delete
[i] : Input
[s] : Skip
Interactive Mode continues this process until the end of the file. When finished, interactive mode moves onto the saving file page:
Spellcheck complete.
[p] : Print all modifications
[s] : Save to existing file
[c] : Save to custom file
[r] : Re-edit file
[q] : Quit program
The user can then view changes, then either save corrections to the original file, or save to a file of choice.
The user can activate quiet mode through the command line directly. The user runs:
$ ./spellcheck [~/path/file.txt] -q [options]
Alternatively, the user can also activate quiet mode through the main directory. To do this, simply input:
$ ./spellcheck
Note that the default mode is interactive, and that a file input will direct the user immediately to interactive mode.
Running quiet mode edits the given text file by replacing every identified misspelled word with the closest possible correction. The corrections are saved to the same file by default.
Additionally, several flags can be utilized to customize the quiet mode process through the command line. These are:
-q : Quiet mode - The program does not print any statements regarding the replacement process.
-s [~path/file.txt] : Saves the edited version to a new text file instead of modifying the original file.
The user can activate batch mode through the command line directly. The user runs:
$ ./spellcheck [~/path/file.txt] - [options]
If user chooses to utilize the verbose mode, spellcheck produces a list of detected errors, and up to 4 corresponding suggested corrections.
1:9 spellig spelling, selling, spell
1:17 chequer cheque, cheaper, checker, chester
2:3 cme came, ce, cm, cms
3:11 markes makes, marked, marker, markers
3:25 revie review, device, devil, eve
4:0 Misstakes Mistakes, Mistake
5:19 typpe type, tape, types
6:19 asy amy, any, as, ash
7:0 Wether Weather, Whether, Better, Bother
8:12 straigh straight, strain, strange
8:20 waay away, way
Successfully replaced every misspelled word and saved the modifications