- skim_csccsc.py
- skim_cscdt.py
- split_met.ipynb
- --cscdt_cuts.ipynb--
- closure_test.ipynb
- datacard_scan.ipynb
- log in a lxplus8 machine
- Do cmsenv in a CMSSW_14_X release
- Run the .py script: python3 <script.py>
First, run rdf_hlt_builder.py to load and add the HLTDecision branch to the ntuple.
Use skim_cscdt.py to reduce the large MuonSystem TTree to a flattened TTree with only 1 CSC cluster and only 1 DT cluster. This allows for easy analysis using RDataFrames
Applies the following cuts: 0. Matches gen LLP with reco LLP (MC only)
- HLT Selections for 1 CSC + 1 DT
- L1 Trigger on the CSC clusters
- Requires the CSC clusters to be in-time
- Requires the DT clusters to be in-time
- Rejects DT clusters with MB1 hits
- Rejects clusters matched to jets
- Rejects clusters matched to muons
- Beam halo selection
If there are more than 1 CSC or 1 DT clusters, the largest cluster selected to as the LLP candidate.