#Duckiebus #- repo originally from Algorithmic Robotics #
ALWAYS git pull first!
terminal command to push local workspace to the repository: git add src/ README.md git commit -m "commit message
git will say the following is untracked. Ignore. build/ devel/
then: git push
Common code for class. Currently many of the packages are from the duckietown/Software github repository or built off of said packages.
- ar_tags/
- src/tag_detector_node.py - publishes AR tag detections (IDs, relative positions)
- dagu_car/
- launch/dagu_car.launch - starts the dagu_car nodes and remaps topics
- script/drive_straight_test.py - run this to test the wheel calibration
- src/kinematics_node.py - converts car velocities to wheel speeds
- src/wheels_driver_node.py - sets wheel speeds based on received commands
- duckietown/
- config/dagu_car/kinematics/pi.yaml - wheel calibration
- config/ground_projection/pi.yaml - extrinsic camera calibration
- config/pi_camera/pi.yaml - intrinsic camera calibration
- launch/ - launch files that start nodes across multiple packages
- duckietown_msgs/
- msg/ - message definitions used across duckietown
- ground_projection/
- scripts/test_projection_auto.py - run this to test extrinsic camera calibration
- intersection_control/
- config/maneuvers.yaml - open-loop turn descriptions
- config/map.yaml - graph representation of roads
- src/stop_line_filter.py - publishes stop-line readings
- src/supervisor_node.py - manages intersections (and control mode switching)
- keyboard_control/
- src/keyboard_control_node.py - publishes car velocities based on key presses
- lane_control/
- src/lane_controller_node.py - publishes car velocities based on lane pose estimates
- lane_filter/
- src/lane_filter_node.py - publishes lane pose estimates
- localization/
- config/landmarks.yaml - AR tag IDs and locations
- src/localization_node.py - estimates car pose based on AR tags and odometry (lab 10)
- pi_camera/
- launch/camera.launch - starts the camera nodes and remaps topics
- src/cam_info_node.py - publishes camera calibration info each time an image is received
- src/camera_node.py - publishes compressed camera images
- Raspberry Pi 3, Ubuntu Mate 14.04, Python 2.7.12, OpenCV 2.4.9, ROS Kinetic
Team 22: Connor McGowan, Judy Zhang