This repository contains the tool used to generated the CloudRIG AWS AMIs.
You can use the CloudRIG AMIs without the desktop app.
For the moment the AMI is only published in eu-west-1 (Ireland).
You MUST use a g4dn.xlarge instance to run the AMI correctly (as the drivers installed only matches the g4 graphic cards). Average spot price as of 2020-11-13 is ~$0.36 which is the better balance between price and performances.
You instance profile should at least contains the Amazon SSM access and the following permissions :
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::dcv-license.<REGION>/*"
In order to game via DCV you will need the desktop app client.
Browser access may work, but it will not give good results when gaming, as it does not support QUIC protocol (UDP).
Use the windows credentials to login.
You can change the password prior connection to the machine via SSM :
net user Administrator "new_password"
- NICE DCV / Parsec / Rainway
- Steam / Origin / Epic Games / uPlay /
- Latest NVIDIA drivers
- Google Chrome
- Razer Surround / VB Cable
- DirectX 10, 11, 12
- VC Redist 2010, 2015, 2017, 2019 (both x86 and x64)
- 7Zip
- .NET Framework
- Direct Play
Please ensure that the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
is attached to your EC2 instance profile role.
You can find the EC2 Launch v2 logs here C:\Program Files\Amazon\EC2Launch\logs
You can find the CloudRIG startup scripts logs here C:\CloudRIG\Logs\