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Releases: cloudposse/atmos


27 Jan 18:55
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Validate Terraform input variables using OPA policies @aknysh (#977)



Use Open Policy Agent (OPA) policies to validate Terraform input variables.


When executing atmos terraform <sub-command> commands, you can provide Terraform input variables on the command line using the -var flag. These variables will override the variables configured in Atmos stack manifests.

For example:

atmos terraform apply <component> -s <stack> -- -var name=api

atmos terraform apply <component> -s <stack> -- -var name=api -var 'tags={"Team":"api", "Group":"web"}'

NOTE: Terraform processes variables in the following order of precedence (from highest to lowest):

  • Explicit -var flags: these variables have the highest priority and will override any other variable values, including those specified in --var-file.

  • Variables in --var-file: values in a variable file override default values set in the Terraform configuration.
    Atmos generates varfiles from stack configurations and provides it to Terraform using the --var-file flag.

  • Environment variables: variables set as environment variables using the TF_VAR_ prefix.

  • Default values in the Terraform configuration files: these have the lowest priority.

When log level Trace is used, Atmos prints the Terraform variables specified on the command line in the "CLI variables" output.

For example:

atmos terraform apply my-component -s plat-ue2-dev -- -var name=api -var 'tags={"Team":"api", "Group":"web"}'

Variables for the component 'my-component' in the stack 'plat-ue2-dev':
environment: ue2
namespace: cp
region: us-east-2
stage: dev
tenant: plat

Writing the variables to file:

CLI variables (will override the variables defined in the stack manifests):
name: api
    Team: api
    Group: web

Atmos exposes the Terraform variables passed on the command line in the tf_cli_vars section, which can be used in OPA policies for validation.

Terraform Variables Validation using OPA Policies

In atmos.yaml, configure the schemas.opa section:

# Validation schemas
    # Can also be set using `ATMOS_SCHEMAS_OPA_BASE_PATH` ENV var, or `--schemas-opa-dir` command-line arguments
    # Supports both absolute and relative paths
    base_path: "stacks/schemas/opa"

In the component manifest, add the settings.validation section to point to the OPA policy file:

        # All validation steps must succeed to allow the component to be provisioned
            schema_type: opa
            # 'schema_path' can be an absolute path or a path relative to 'schemas.opa.base_path' defined in `atmos.yaml`
            schema_path: "my-component/validate-my-component.rego"
            description: Check 'my-component' component using OPA policy
            # Validation timeout in seconds
            timeout: 5

Require a Terraform variable to be specified on the command line

If you need to enforce that a Terraform variable must be specified on the command line (and not in Atmos stack manifests),
add the following OPA policy in the file stacks/schemas/opa/my-component/validate-my-component.rego

# 'package atmos' is required in all `atmos` OPA policies
package atmos

# Atmos looks for the 'errors' (array of strings) output from all OPA policies.
# If the 'errors' output contains one or more error messages, Atmos considers the policy failed.

errors["for the 'my-component' component, the variable 'name' must be provided on the command line using the '-var' flag"] {

When executing the following command (and not passing the name variable on the command line), Atmos will validate the component using the OPA policy, which will fail and prevent the component from being provisioned:

atmos terraform apply my-component -s plat-ue2-dev

Validating the component 'my-component' using OPA file 'my-component/validate-my-component.rego'

for the 'my-component' component, the variable 'name' must be provided on the command line using the '-var' flag

On the other hand, when passing the name variable on the command line using the -var name=api flag, the command will succeed:

atmos terraform apply my-component -s plat-ue2-dev -- -var name=api

Restrict a Terraform variable from being provided on the command line

If you need to prevent a Terraform variable from being passed (and overridden) on the command line, add the following OPA policy in the file stacks/schemas/opa/my-component/validate-my-component.rego

package atmos

errors["for the 'my-component' component, the variable 'name' cannot be overridden on the command line using the '-var' flag"] {

When executing the following command, Atmos will validate the component using the OPA policy, which will fail and prevent the component from being provisioned:

atmos terraform apply my-component -s plat-ue2-dev -- -var name=api

Validating the component 'my-component' using OPA file 'my-component/validate-my-component.rego'

for the 'my-component' component, the variable 'name' cannot be overridden on the command line using the '-var' flag

This command will pass the validation and succeed:

atmos terraform apply my-component -s plat-ue2-dev



25 Jan 02:16
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Implement `atmos list workflows` command @Cerebrovinny (#941) ## what
  • Implement atmos list workflows command


  • Allow users to list th configured workflows
  • Improve UX

Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 06 43 59


24 Jan 02:47
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Spinner for `!terraform.output` @milldr (#947)


  • Created a charmbracelet spinner when loading terraform output with !terraform.output
  • Added success/failure indicators for terraform output operations
  • Improved user feedback during terraform output operations


  • Provides visual feedback during potentially long-running terraform output operations
  • Maintains consistency with other Atmos operations (like vendoring) that use spinners
  • Improves user experience by clearly indicating:
    • When an operation is in progress
    • When an operation succeeds (✓)
    • When an operation fails (✗)
  • Makes it clear which component and stack is being queried for outputs

2025-01-17 12 36 03


23 Jan 00:41
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Fix issue with `atmos vendor pull`: URI cannot contain path traversal sequences @haitham911 (#899)


  • Fix issue with atmos vendor pull


  • Prevent the errors URI cannot contain path traversal sequences


21 Jan 03:14
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Skipping disabled components in `atmos describe affected` @shirkevich (#942) ## what
  • Skipping disabled components in atmos describe affected


  • Components marked with metadata.enabled: false should be excluded from the affected components list
  • Improves accuracy of the describe affected command by only showing components that would actually be processed


20 Jan 18:55
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Introduce Atmos YAML functions `!include` and `!env` @aknysh (#943)



  • The !env YAML function is used to retrieve environment variables and assign them to the sections in Atmos stack manifests

  • The !include YAML function allows downloading local or remote files from different sources, and assigning the file contents or individual values to the sections in Atmos stack manifests


!env Atmos YAML function

The !env Atmos YAML function is used to retrieve environment variables and assign them to the sections in Atmos stack manifests.

  # Get the value of an environment variable.
  # If the environment variable is not present in the environment, `null` will be assigned
  !env <env-var-name>

  # Get the value of an environment variable.
  # If the environment variable is not present in the environment, the `default-value` will be assigned
  !env <env-var-name> <default-value>

If the function is called with one argument (the name of the environment variable), and the environment variable is
not present, null will be assigned to the corresponding section in the Atmos manifest.

If the function is called with two arguments (the name of the environment variable and the default value), and the
environment variable is not present, the default value will be assigned to the corresponding section in the Atmos manifest.


  # `api_key` will be set to `null` if the environment variable `API_KEY` is not present in the environment
  api_key: !env API_KEY
  # `app_name` will be set to the default value `my-app` if the environment variable `APP_NAME` is not present in the environment
  app_name: !env APP_NAME my-app

  # `provisioned_by_user` will be set to `null` if the environment variable `ATMOS_USER` is not present in the environment
  provisioned_by_user: !env ATMOS_USER

Handling default values with spaces:

If you need to provide default values with spaces, enclose them in double quotes and use single quotes around the whole expression.

For example:

  # `app_name` will be set to the default value `my app` if the environment variable `APP_NAME` is not present in the environment
  app_name: !env 'APP_NAME "my app"'

  # `app_description` will be set to the default value `my app description` if the environment variable `APP_DESCRIPTION` is not present in the environment
  app_description: !env 'APP_DESCRIPTION "my app description"'

!include Atmos YAML function

The !include Atmos YAML function allows downloading local or remote files from different sources, and assigning the file contents or individual values to the sections in Atmos stack manifests.

The !include function can be called with either one or two parameters:

  # Download the file and assign its content to the variable
  !include <file-path>

  # Download the file, filter the content using the YQ expression,
  # and assign the result to the variable
  !include <file-path> <yq-expression>


        # Include a local file with the path relative to the current Atmos manifest
        values: !include ./values.yaml
        # Include a local file with the path relative to the current Atmos manifest and query the `vars.ipv4_primary_cidr_block` value from the file using YQ
        ipv4_primary_cidr_block: !include ./vpc_config.yaml .vars.ipv4_primary_cidr_block
        # Include a local file relative to the `base_path` setting in `atmos.yaml`
        vpc_defaults: !include stacks/catalog/vpc/defaults.yaml
        # Include a local file in HCL format
        hcl_values: !include ./values.hcl
        # Include a local file in HCL format with Terraform variables
        tfvars_values: !include ../components/terraform/vpc/vpc.tfvars
        # Include a local Markdown file
        description: !include ./
        # Include a local text file
        text: !include a.txt
        # Include a local text file with spaces in the file name
        text2: !include '"my config.txt"'
        # Include a local text file on Windows with spaces in the file name, and get the `config.tests` value from the file
        tests: !include '"~/My Documents/dev/tests.yaml" .config.tests'
        # Download and include a remote YAML file using HTTPS protocol, and query the `vars` section from the file
        region_values: !include .vars
        # Download and include a remote JSON file and query the `api` section from the file
        allowed_ips: !include .api
          # Include a local JSON file and query the `user_id` variable from the file
          user_id: !include ./user_config.json .user_id


The YAML standard provides anchors and aliases, that allow you
to reuse and reference pieces of your YAML file, making it more efficient and reducing duplication.

Atmos supports YAML anchors and aliases, but the biggest limitation is that they are only available within the file in
which they are defined. You cannot reuse anchors across different files.

The !include Atmos YAML function overcomes this limitation by allowing you to include the content or individual values
from different local and remote sources. The !include function also provides the following features:

  • Supports local files with absolute and relative paths

  • Supports the remote protocols provided by the go-getter library

  • Allows you to use YQ expressions to query and filter the content of the files to retrieve individual values

  • Automatically detects the format of the files regardless of the file extensions. It supports files in JSON, YAML and HCL (tfvars) formats, and automatically converts them into correct YAML structures (simple and complex types like maps and lists are supported). All other files are returned unchanged, allowing you, for example, to include text and Markdown files as strings in Atmos manifests

Supported File Protocols:

The !include function supports the following local file paths:

  • absolute paths (e.g. /Users/me/Documents/values.yaml)
  • paths relative to the current Atmos manifest where the !include function is executed (e.g. ./values.yaml, ../config/values.yaml)
  • paths relative to the base_path defined in atmos.yaml CLI config file (e.g. stacks/catalog/vpc/defaults.yaml)

To download remote files from different sources, the !include function uses go-getter
(used by Terraform for downloading modules) and supports the following protocols:

  • tar - Tar files, potentially compressed (tar.gz, tar.bz2, etc.)
  • zip - Zip files
  • http - HTTP URLs
  • https - HTTPS URLs
  • git - Git repositories, which can be accessed via HTTPS or SSH
  • hg - Mercurial repositories, accessed via HTTP/S or SSH
  • s3 - Amazon S3 bucket URLs
  • gcs - Google Cloud Storage URLs
  • oci - Open Container Initiative (OCI) images
  • scp - Secure Copy Protocol for SSH-based transfers
  • sftp - SSH File Transfer Protocol

Using YQ Expressions to retrieve individual values from files:

To retrieve individual values from complex types such as maps and lists, or do any kind of filtering or querying,
you can utilize YQ expressions.

For example:

  • Retrieve the first item from a list
subnet_id1: !include <file-path> .private_subnet_ids[0]
  • Read a key from a map
username: !include <file-path> .config_map.username

For more details, review the following docs:

Handling file paths and YQ expressions with spaces:

If you have spaces in the file names or the YQ expressions, enclose the file path and YQ expression in double quotes and
the whole expression in single quotes.

For example, on Windows:

    values: !include '"~/My Documents/dev/values.yaml"'
    config: !include '"~/My Documents/dev/config.json" "<yq-expression-with-spaces>"'

On macOS and Linux:

    values: !include './values.yaml "<yq-expression-with-spaces>"'
    description: !include '"component"'


19 Jan 19:49
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Update `editorconfig` to version 3.1.2 @samtholiya (#955)


  • Update editorconfig library to latest v3.1.2


  • Supports many new features mentioned in release notes here


18 Jan 19:57
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Standardize Help and Usage content for all commands and sub commands @samtholiya (#914)


  • Standardize Help and Usage content for all commands and sub commands
  • Every command has intuitive display help and usage







  • More consistent command-line interface with improved error handling and messaging


18 Jan 18:24
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Add `.editorconfig` validation @samtholiya (#896)


  • Added functionality to atmos validate to validate against the .editorconfig file if it is defined
  • Integrated the editorconfig-checker library to perform the validation
  • Updated docs


  • The change ensures that the .editorconfig file is validated, which helps maintain consistency in code formatting across teams.
  • By incorporating editorconfig-checker, the validation process becomes more comprehensive, ensuring that both OPA/JSON schemas and editor configuration are correct
  • This update was made to improve development workflow by catching formatting issues early during the validation process
Add Support for Testing Golden Snapshots @osterman (#939)


  • Generate snapshots locally & commit them with the -regenerate-snapshots argument
  • Test for changes by comparison golden snapshots with output
  • Support TTY emulation (pty)
  • Add support for !not tag to negate conditions
  • Add a JSON schema for the test cases (to avoid silent failures)


  • Too hard to add thorough tests for command line invocations


18 Jan 02:15
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Add logs level validation on the command line @Cerebrovinny (#946)


  • Add logs level validation on the command line, e.g atmos describe affected --logs-level=Trace


  • Validate the logs level specified in the --logs-level flag in addition to logs level configured in atmos.yaml or set in the environment variable ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL, e.g. ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL=Trace atmos terraform plan vpc --stack dev

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