The core library of CloudBrew that does all the data distribution & reassembly as part of upload & download. Effort is underway to have it ported to the distributed blockchain system as well.
RHEL\CentOS 7+ OR AmazonLinux (Serverless Lambda)
Revelations by Edward Snowden of mass-scale data snooping by NSA, CBI and the likes. Data is the new gold and everyone is chasing behind it. Concentrated information with the elite few companies/organizations are a dangerous trend as the importance of data continues to grow manifold into the future. If your data is at risk, your privacy is at risk. Period.
Running "make" should work most of the time. If you want to cleanup, just run "make clean". There are some other options as well, but that's beyond this README file. Please refer to the specific folder level make file for more information.
Runcy Oommen (
This project is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 - See the LICENSE file for details.