This tool parses PGN files, shows a summary review of its contents, sort and
filter games by any criteria, and produce histograms on any piece of data. In
addition, it also generates LaTeX files that can be processed with pdflatex
to generate pdf files with the contents of the games in any PGN file.
While it can be used for any PGN files, it is specifically designed to parse and process the PGN files generated by Lichess and also games from the FICS database.
has been conceived as a command-line tool. However, it also provides
an easy API to be used by other programmers who want to import this module.
Special care has been put into the documentation style so that go doc
reliable and accurate information to use this module as a third-party software.
uses the following third-party libraries
expr library to parse statements written in Go. Indeed, this library made a huge difference in the development of
table is used to generate fancy tables on the console output
These modules are automatically installed when following the directives given under Install.
To install this program for development in Go:
$ go get -v
To install an executable in your system using the Go toolchain:
$ go install
has a mandatory argument, --file
, that must be used to provide a
path to a PGN file. If no more directives are given, pgnparser
prints out
general information.
It also honours other optional arguments:
: generates a table with information of every game parsed. -
: generates a table on the standard output where every game is played. It must be given an argumentnbplies
. The table shows a sequence of moves along with the resulting table everynbplies
played.Even if this argument is not given, all games found in the input pgn parser are played to verify correctness. If a pgn game could not be properly parsed an error is produced and execution halts.
: generates a new pgn file with those games in the input pgn file satisfying the input criteria. Filtering criteria are described below. -
: generates a new pgn file where games are sorted according to the given criteria. Sorting criteria are described below. -
: generates a table with a summary of information about the given variables. Histogram variables are described below.
Because some of these options can generate new files (namely, --filter
), it is possible to provide the directive --output
with the name of
the pgn file to generate. If none is given, the file output.pgn
is produced
overwritting its previous contents in case the file already exists.
All in all, pgnparser
has been designed with flexibility of use in mind.
Sorting/filtering criteria and histogram variables result from this approach.
Also, tables produced with the directive list
or LaTeX files can use different
templates affecting the look&feel of the output. To modify the design of the
table shown with list
a new template can be provided with table
and the path
to the template to use. To generate a LaTeX file it just suffices to provide a
path to the LaTeX template to use with latex
These options can be used simultaneously. If so:
First, games found in the input pgn file are listed when using
, i.e.,list
takes precedence over all the other arguments. If a value was given totable
then the given template is used to generate the table. -
is given along with a strictly positive value, all games found in the pgn file are played and the output is shown in tabular form on the output console. -
is given, games satisfying the given criteria are selected for the next operations ---including the generation of an output pgn file. -
is given, the current collection of games is sorted according to the given criteria ---either all games found in the input pgn file or those filtered when used in conjunction withfilter
The current collection of games (either sorted and/or filtered or not), can be examined to produce a summary of information with
in the end -
Finally, in case
is used, the current collection of games is used to generate a LaTeX file showing its contents.
Using list
to provide information about the games found in a pgn file:
$ pgnparser --file ... --list
produces the following output:
▶ Name : examples/lichess_clinares_2024-05-15.pgn
▶ Size : 3341933 bytes
▶ Mod Time: 2024-05-15 18:51:20.957491023 +0200 CEST
3845 games found
│ Date │ White WhiteElo │ Black BlackElo │ ECO │ TimeControl │ Moves │ Result │
│ 2024.05.15 │ Don_jon10 1908 │ clinares 1901 │ C40 │ 180+0 │ 55 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.05.15 │ clinares 1907 │ Don_jon10 1903 │ C02 │ 180+0 │ 60 │ 0-1 │
│ 2024.05.15 │ clinares 1911 │ Simonenko 2022 │ C02 │ 180+0 │ 104 │ 0-1 │
│ 2024.05.15 │ clinares 1905 │ Ikrom_Isayev 1893 │ C25 │ 180+0 │ 31 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.05.15 │ clinares 1900 │ behzadss 1915 │ B23 │ 180+0 │ 67 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.05.15 │ behzadss 1909 │ clinares 1905 │ C40 │ 180+0 │ 91 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.05.14 │ Qsac 1903 │ clinares 1911 │ C63 │ 180+0 │ 53 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.05.14 │ clinares 1914 │ Revyakin_Andrey 2064 │ A00 │ 180+0 │ 48 │ 0-1 │
│ 2024.05.14 │ Revyakin_Andrey 2060 │ clinares 1918 │ C40 │ 180+0 │ 43 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.05.14 │ clinares 1921 │ Revyakin_Andrey 2056 │ B23 │ 180+0 │ 70 │ 0-1 │
│ 2024.05.14 │ Khezman 1890 │ clinares 1916 │ C46 │ 180+0 │ 128 │ 0-1 │
│ 2024.05.14 │ clinares 1911 │ Khezman 1895 │ A00 │ 180+0 │ 113 │ 1-0 │
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
│ 2024.01.01 │ clinares 1906 │ tat8866 1955 │ C25 │ 180+0 │ 89 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.01.01 │ clinares 1901 │ Ks12345 1845 │ C25 │ 180+0 │ 35 │ 1-0 │
│ 2024.01.01 │ BonbonTisoy 1941 │ clinares 1906 │ C23 │ 180+0 │ 96 │ 1-0 │
# Games found: 3845
Games verified!
and to change the appearance of the table use table
with the path to the template to use:
$ pgnparser --file ... --table templates/table/bare.tpl
(note that when using table
there is no need to provide also list
though it can be done)
produces a much more concise output:
▶ Name : examples/lichess_clinares_2024-05-15.pgn
▶ Size : 3341933 bytes
▶ Mod Time: 2024-05-15 18:51:20.957491023 +0200 CEST
3845 games found
│ White WhiteElo │ Black BlackElo │ Result │
│ Don_jon10 1908 │ clinares 1901 │ 1-0 │
│ clinares 1907 │ Don_jon10 1903 │ 0-1 │
│ clinares 1911 │ Simonenko 2022 │ 0-1 │
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
│ clinares 1906 │ tat8866 1955 │ 1-0 │
│ clinares 1901 │ Ks12345 1845 │ 1-0 │
│ BonbonTisoy 1941 │ clinares 1906 │ 1-0 │
# Games found: 3845
Games verified!
Note: All tables use UTF-8 characters which might not be rendered properly in this view, i.e., the view on your console might be more beautiful than the one rendered here.
Games can be automatically played on the console. When using play
with a
strictly positive argument a table is generated with the result of playing every
single game found in the input file where each game is started with information
given in the tags of the pgn file and then every row shows a number of moves and
the resulting board. The number of moves shown is the argument given to play
For example, to play all games found in a pgn file every 30 plies:
$ pgnparser --file ... --play 30
produces an outcome like the following:
Result : 0-1
WhiteElo : 1842
PlyCount : 38
TimeControl : 180+0
Opening : Hungarian Opening
Event : Rated game
Site :
White : yerken
Date : 2016.05.06
Variant : Standard
ECO : A00
Black : clinares
BlackElo : 1989
Termination : Normal
1. g3 e5
2. Bg2 d5
3. d3 c6 ╔════════╗
4. Nc3 f5 ║♜▒♝♝♚▒ ♜║
5. e4 fxe4 ║♙ ▒ ▒ ♟♟║
6. dxe4 d4 ║ ▒♞▒ ♞ ▒║
7. Nce2 Nf6 ║▒ ▒ ♟ ▒ ║
8. c3 c5 ║ ♟ ▒♙▒ ▒║
9. b4 b6 ║▒ ♙ ▒♘♙ ║
10. a4 Be7 ║ ▒ ▒♟♙♗♙║
11. a5 d3 ║♖ ♗ ♔ ▒♖║
12. axb6 dxe2 ╚════════╝
13. Qxd8+ Bxd8
14. bxa7 Nc6
15. Nf3 cxb4
║♜▒ ▒♚▒ ♜║
║♙ ▒ ▒ ♟♟║
16. cxb4 Bb6 ║♝▒ ▒ ♞ ▒║
17. b5 Nd4 ║▒♙▒ ♟ ▒ ║
18. Nxd4 Bxd4 ║ ▒ ♝♙▒ ▒║
19. Ra6 Bxa6 ║▒ ▒ ▒ ♙ ║
║ ▒ ▒♟♙♗♙║
║▒ ♗ ♔ ▒♖║
for every game found in the input pgn file.
Note: All tables use UTF-8 characters which might not be rendered properly in this view, i.e., the view on your console might be more beautiful than the one rendered here.
PGN files always start with a header and a set of tags that can be used for
filtering games. A filtering criteria just consists of an evaluable expression
in Go (which for the purpose here is much the same like almost any programming
language) that uses variables, either appearing in the header of the PGN file or
implemented by pgnparser
---described below.
For example,
$ pgnparser --file ... --filter 'ECO=="C25"'
generates a pgn file named output.pgn
with those games in the input pgn file
with ECO=C25
. Note that the argument to filter
is given between single
quotes because the evaluation of an expression in Go expects strings to be given
between double quotes. Variables can be combined in any way, e.g.:
$ pgnparser --file ... --filter 'ECO=="C25" && ((White=="clinares" && Result=="0-1") || (Black=="clinares" && Result=="1-0"))'
returns all games with opening C25 that were lost either with black or white by one specific player.
provides an additional variable, Moves
which is reminiscent of
used in FICS. Because this variable is not provided by lichess, it is
computed on the fly. It is a numerical variable and thus:
$ pgnparser --file ... --filter 'Moves<40 && ((White=="clinares" && Result=="0-1") || (Black=="clinares" && Result=="1-0"))'
filters all games lost by one specific player with either color in less than 40 moves ---or plies.
Note that the argument --list
takes precedence over filter
so that no
information is shown on the console of the result of filtering games. To see the
result use:
$ pgnparser --file ... --list
providing the name of the output file given to the precedence invocation of pgnparser
Sorting criteria consists of a semicolon-separated string of different variables
(either those appearing in the tags of the pgn games or those provided by
) preceded each by either <
(for ascending order) or >
descending order. For example to generate a pgn file showing first the most
recently played games and then breaking ties in ascending order of the number of
$ pgnparser --file ... --sort ">Date;<Moves"
Note that the argument --list
takes precedence over sort
so that no
information is shown on the console of the result of sorting games. To see
the result use:
$ pgnparser --file ... --list
providing the name of the output file given to the precedence invocation of pgnparser
can be used to produce a summary (in tabular form) of the games in
the input pgn file. All sorts of variables can be used (either those appearing
in the tags of the games, or those provided by pgnparser
). Histogram variables
must be given in a semicolon-separated string which uses either variables or
boolean expressions using variables:
For every variable given the histogram produces a count of the number of occurrences for every value found for the given variable
For every boolean expression given the histogram provides information on the frequency of every feasible outcome, either true or false. If any of these outcomes never takes place it is skipped in the output.
The histogram is sorted in ascending order of the values of the variables. In case of using boolean expressions false is shown before true.
It is possible to provide an arbitrary number of istogram variables. If so, observations are nested. For example, to produce a histogram on the number of games won and lost with every opening found in the input pgn file:
$ pgnparser --file ... --histogram 'ECO;((White=="clinares") && (Result=="1-0")) || ((Black=="clinares") && (Result=="0-1"))'
produces a table with three columns: first, the ECO is shown; next, for every value of ECO two rows are shown and tagged as either false or true. The third column shows the frequency of the combined occurrence for every combination of the ECO variable and the outcome of the boolean expression.
The output histogram shows a header with the name of each variable used. When using boolean expressions the header is the entire boolean expression given, but this might not be very informative. It is because of this that any variable or boolean expression can be preceded with a header and a colon just to be used in the output table:
$ pgnparser --file ... --histogram 'ECO Opening: ECO;Win: ((White=="clinares") && (Result=="1-0")) || ((Black=="clinares") && (Result=="0-1"))'
produces a much more concise table with more comprehensive names for the headers:
▶ Name : examples/lichess_clinares_2024-05-15.pgn
▶ Size : 3341933 bytes
▶ Mod Time: 2024-05-15 18:51:20.957491023 +0200 CEST
3845 games found
Games verified!
ECO Opening │ Win │ # Obs.
A00 │ false │ 125
│ true │ 83
A01 │ false │ 12
│ true │ 19
A02 │ false │ 25
... ... ...
Note: All tables use UTF-8 characters which might not be rendered properly in this view, i.e., the view on your console might be more beautiful than the one rendered here.
Note that the argument --list
takes precedence over histogram
so that no
information is shown on the console of the result of a histogram. To see the
result use:
$ pgnparser --file ... --list
providing the name of the output file given to the precedence invocation of pgnparser
If the argument latex
is given along with a path to a latex template, then a
LaTeX file is generated which is named after the value given to outuput
by default) with suffix .tex
. The latest release of pgnparser
contains various templates. For example, to produce a detailed view of the
contents of a pgn file use:
$ pgnparser --file ... --latex templates/report/lichess/tabular.tpl
(note there are different templates for lichess and fics as they use different variables)
which generates a document with two parts. First, it shows an index to every game (which might span several pages) with a link shown in the first column. The second part shows the result of playing every game in tabular form showing the board every 8 plies. The transcription of the game contains all comments found in the input pgn file and it also recognizes other special comments such as the emt (elapsed move time) used in FICS which is shown separately. The resulting LaTeX file when being processed twice shows first an index to all games in the pgn file:
Clicking on any of the links shown in red in the left column will takes the reader to the selected game, e.g., clicking on #2 immediately shows a different page displaying the following:
This page also contains various links:
The world symbol shown above the main header will automatically take you to the web page in lichess showing this game with all tools enabled for analyzing the game and playing alternative lines
The links shown in blue in the footer will take you to the homepages of each software project
Of course, these links are specific to the template being used, and different
layouts can be produced with different templates. Importantly, some templates
might require external files as in the case of the template used in the example
above (lichess/tabular.tpl
) which requires an image of the lichess icon. In
case any template requires any external file these are given under the directory
---and can be freely replaced by others if needed.
Note that variables used in the templates might contain UTF-8 characters as they
are read from the input pgn file. Fortunately, xelatex
provides automatic
conversion from UTF-8 characters to LaTeX symbols.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Carlos Linares López
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Carlos Linares Lopez [email protected]
Computer Science Department
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid