Interactive brainmaps To navigate into the 29 CWAS results (beta values reported on brain maps for each FC-Profiles, before and after global signal adjustement) using nilearn
Generate Functional Connectivity profile (.md) This notebook requests and Get CWAS Results (.md) This notebook needs and tools.pyFC-profiles : 29 CWAS This folder contains all the beta values / p-values / q-values (n=2080 connections) for the 29 FC-profiles.
Permutation Tests and cross-validations by A Harvey This repository contains all the scripts and notebooks for generating null models of betamaps (from this manuscript) through permutation and testing for significance.
Mind-GenesParallelCNV by JL Martineau to compute CNV calling parallel tasks in the most efficient method, in UKBiobank
Previous notebooks by C. Moreau and S. Urchs
to preprocess resting-state_fMRI_data with NIAK (.m)
to_generate_connectomes with NIAK using MIST64 (.m) to generate heatmaps for CellType and AHBA modules Fig 6 (.R) to create chord diagrams Fig 5(.R)