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Hdfs file input plugin for Embulk

Build Status Coverage Status

Read files on Hdfs.


  • Plugin type: file input
  • Resume supported: not yet
  • Cleanup supported: no


  • config_files list of paths to Hadoop's configuration files (array of strings, default: [])
  • config overwrites configuration parameters (hash, default: {})
  • path file path on Hdfs. you can use glob and Date format like %Y%m%d/%s (string, required).
  • rewind_seconds When you use Date format in input_path property, the format is executed by using the time which is Now minus this property. (long, default: 0)
  • partition when this is true, partition input files and increase task count. (boolean, default: true)
  • num_partitions number of partitions. (long, default: Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors())
  • skip_header_lines Skip this number of lines first. Set 1 if the file has header line. (long, default: 0)
  • decompression Decompress compressed files by hadoop compression codec api. (boolean. default: false)


  type: hdfs
    - /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml
    - /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml
    fs.defaultFS: 'hdfs://hadoop-nn1:8020'
    dfs.replication: 1
    fs.hdfs.impl: 'org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem'
    fs.file.impl: 'org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem'
  path: /user/embulk/test/%Y-%m-%d/*
  rewind_seconds: 86400
  partition: true
  num_partitions: 30
    - {type: gzip}
    charset: UTF-8
    newline: CRLF
    type: csv
    delimiter: "\t"
    quote: ''
    escape: ''
    trim_if_not_quoted: true
    skip_header_lines: 0
    allow_extra_columns: true
    allow_optional_columns: true
    - {name: c0, type: string}
    - {name: c1, type: string}
    - {name: c2, type: string}
    - {name: c3, type: long}


  • The parameter num_partitions is the approximate value. The actual num_partitions is larger than this parameter.
  • the feature of the partition supports only 3 line terminators.
    • \n
    • \r
    • \r\n

The Reference Implementation

##The Partitioning Logic

int partitionSizeByOneTask = totalFileLength / approximateNumPartitions;

            long numPartitions = 1; // default is no partition.
            if (isPartitionable(task, conf, status)) { // partition: true and (decompression: false or CompressionCodec is null)
                numPartitions = ((status.getLen() - 1) / partitionSizeByOneTask) + 1;

            for (long i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
                long start = status.getLen() * i / numPartitions;
                long end = status.getLen() * (i + 1) / numPartitions;
                if (start < end) {
                    TargetFileInfo targetFileInfo = new TargetFileInfo.Builder()
                            .isDecompressible(isDecompressible(task, conf, status))
                            .isPartitionable(isPartitionable(task, conf, status))


$ ./gradlew gem


$ ./gradlew classpath
$ bundle exec embulk run -I lib example.yml