Stacks is a Terraform code pre-processor. Its primary goal is to minimize your total Terraform codebase without giving up on coverage. To do more with less.
As a code pre-processor, Stacks receives your "input code" and returns "output code" for Terraform to consume.
Stacks was originally developed and continues to be maintained by the Infrastructure SRE team at Cisco ThousandEyes. It was initially presented and open-sourced at SREcon23 Americas.
You can read "Terraform" and "OpenTofu" interchangeably, Stacks works with both but we've chosen to go with "Terraform" for readability.
The "I am starting from scratch" quick-start guide is a good introduction to Stacks and what it does.
Quick-start guide
- Native features
- Features you can build with Stacks
- Command-line interface
- Directory structure
- Special variables