Based upon the osterzel build, with additional features such as setting cache sizes and expiration times. Serve your static homepage from S3 while keeping the bucket private by proxying it through nginx - running in docker.
Clone this repo:
git clone --recursive
Build image:
cd docker-nginx-s3proxy
docker build -t nginx-s3proxy .
Run a container from that image:
docker run \
-p 10080:80 \
-d nginx-s3proxy
Amazon appear to enforce setting your region in the URL, but not always. If you are getting 307 responses
then setting your region with the following might help
If you are also using this to PUT to S3, then you can set the additional environment variable:
See Nginx documentation for correct settings
The proxy cache has some settings which can be configured:
PROXY_BUFFERING Default:on The switch to enable or disable the proxy, set to off if you don't want it
PROXY_CACHE_SIZE Default:500m The amount of disk space the proxy will use
PROXY_KEY_SIZE Default:10m The size of the key store, 10m gives about 80000 keys
PROXY_INACTIVE_AGE Default:12h The maxiumum age of a file in the cache that is inactive before it is purged.
OSX users: watch out for boot2docker's clock going bad, run this to fix:
boot2docker ssh sudo ntpclient -s -h
Based on: