PetPaw Diaries is a full-stack web application that provides a visually appealing and responsive platform for blogs. Built with a modern tech stack, it ensures robust performance and a delightful user experience.
- Responsive and visually appealing UI using MUI
- TypeScript for type safety and improved development experience
- Light and dark theme switcher
- Seamless navigation with React Router
- CRUD operations for blog posts
- Containerized deployment with Docker
- Unit tests for critical components
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- TypeScript: Provides type safety and improved development experience.
- Material-UI (MUI): React components for faster and easier web development.
- React Router: For client-side routing.
- Git: Version control system for tracking changes and collaborating.
- C# and .NET 6: Framework for building APIs and web applications.
- Entity Framework Core (EF Core): ORM for database interactions.
- MSSQL: Relational database management system for data persistence.
- CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete functionalities for blog posts.
- Git: Version control system for tracking changes and collaborating.
- Docker: Containerization platform for building and managing containers.
- Home: Overview of the application and featured pets.
- AddBlogPost: Form to add a new blog post.
- BlogPosts: List and manage existing blog posts.
- EditBlogPost: Edit an existing blog post.
- DeleteBlogPost: Delete a specific blog post.