Jassy.pdf: Contains all of the information relating to the members of the team as well
as the team itself.
TEAM AGREEMENT.pdf: Contains the plan as to how the team will work together on this project
during the span of the course.
Personas: Contains the type users for the application that we are developing.
UserStories: Contains the requirements that reflect each type of users described in
JWorksTestingPlan: The verification and validation plan for testing the product.
CodeReview: The code review strategy, recommendations, and link to the debriefing video.
Where # denotes the sprint number. Sprints where no changes are made are omitted.
This folder contains organized files and folders of all backlogs for each sprint. In each sprint
folder contains the burndown chart and sprint plan for that sprint.
PlanAndBurndown#: Contains the plan of distribution of tasks as well as the burndown chart.
SprintBacklog#: Contains information on how user stories were divided into tasks.
Where # denotes the sprint number.
The various JAR files that we may need for the project.
* sqlite-jdbc-3.18.0.jar: SQLite, an easy to use SQL-esque package for java.
* gson-2.8.2.jar: A json serialization library for java
* mockito-all-1.10.19.jar: A library for mocking objects for testing
This is the Java application that the team is building, it contains the code for the entire
Oracle JRE 8 is required for the application to run.
- Oracle JRE 8 installer can be found here
- How to install Oracle JRE 8 in Linux?
- How to install Oracle JRE 8 in OS X?
- How to install Oracle JRE 8 in Windows?
- Download the compiled JWorks.jar from the downloads section of the latest release.
- Double click the file to open JWorks.
- Log in using the default instructor credentials (username: admin password: admin).
Oracle JDK 8 must be installed, OpenJDK is not supported.
- Oracle JDK 8 installer can be found here
- How to install Oracle JDK 8 in Linux?
- How to install Oracle JDK 8 in OS X?
- How to install Oracle JDK 8 in Windows?
To use the GUI version properly, a screen resolution of at least 780p is required.
Clone this repository from Github.
- Type the following git command in the command line:
git clone https://github.com/CSCC01F17/L01_02
- Alternatively, you can clone this repository using GitHub Desktop, but currently this project can only be compiled using command line interface.
Open a terminal/command prompt/PowerShell, navigate to the src directory under the JWorks directory.
- For Linux/Mac users.
- To compile and run the command line version, type:
javac driver/JWorks.java java -cp ".:../../JAR_Files/*" driver/JWorks
- To compile and run the GUI version, type:
javac gui/JWorksGUI.java java -cp ".:../../JAR_Files/*" gui/JWorksGUI
- For Windows users.
- To compile and run the command line version, type:
javac driver\JWorks.java java -cp ".;..\..\JAR_Files\*" driver\JWorks
- To compile and run the GUI version, type:
javac gui\JWorksGUI.java java -cp ".;..\..\JAR_Files\*" gui\JWorksGUI
Note that the command line version is no longer maintained. In the command line version, the following commands can be typed into the command line:
To add a new question:
AddSimpleProblemCommand "Question" answer
Where Question is a string wrapped by double quotes, and answer is a string without any space.
To login as an instructor, use the username "admin" and the password "admin", and press the Login button. On the main screen, a user click the appropriate navigation buttons to:
- Add a new question (with tags, and the ability to bulk import from a file)
- View all saved questions (with the ability to search by tags)
- Create a new student account
- Add a new problem set (with tags, and the ability to bulk import from a file)
- View all problem sets (with the ability to search by tags, and view statistics for each problem set)
- Logout
A student logs in with their student number and password as created by an instructor.
A student can view all available problem sets, and attempt them by selecting them and pressing "Attempt Problems". They can search the list of available problem sets by the number or the tags.
A work in progress collection of jUnit test cases for the jWorks application. Note that do to
function visibility, the jUnit file for directly testing the database classes,databaseTester,
is present in the JWorks/src/database package.