This is an app created for the purpose of increasing awareness about mental health. We have provided users with two questionnaires to assess their alcohol consumption and general well-being. After completing the assessments, we provide users with an interpretation of their results, to see whether they are within or outside of healthy ranges. Awareness is the first step to changing behaviour, so depending on the respective results users are empowered to seek help if required. We hope to break the stigma and encourage engaging with your own mental health.
Compass App is hosted on Netlify.
Fork the project repository
Clone your forked repo locally on your computer's terminal
git clone [cloned-repo.git]
Set upstream repository
git remote add upstream
Proceed to returning to continue
To begin contributing to this project,
Create a branch of feature you will be working on :
git checkout -b [feature-branch]
Update your name on the contributors list on the project's README file
Write your code
Add your code to Git locally and commit changes to your remote repository :
git add . git commit -m "commit-message-here"
Sync your code before pushing
git pull upstream dev
Push your feature branch to your forked repo
git push -u origin "feature-branch-name"
Open pull request (PR) on GitHub to merge your feature branch into your dev branch
Submit a new PR to merge your updated dev branch into the upstream dev branch on GitHub
please resolve conflicts that arise before making a PR
You have successfully contributed.
Compass App was built by a team of 5.
This project is facilitated by