ARCore Recording & Playback App in Unity (Android) We have added the Recording function to the HelloAR project.
- Windows 10 OS
- Unity: 2019.4.27f1
- ARCore-Unity-SDK: 1.24
- Download the ARCoreUnityRecord project.
- Run the project in Unity.
- Try to find and open the HelloARRecord scene (GoogleARCore/Examples/HelloAR/Scenes/HelloARRecord).
- Switch Platform to Android. And build it.
- We are providing the apk file (HelloARCoreRecord_v0.1.apk) for quickly use.
- When the Record button is pressed, the button changes to red.
- Save RGB, IMU, and the custom data (pose of virtual object placed by touch) in MP4 format (path: Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + "test.mp4").
- To stop, press the Record button again.
- After recording stops (or if there is an MP4 file in the path in advance), press the Playback button to load the saved data.
- In this demo, the custom data (pose of the virtual object placed in the Recording mode) is additionally loaded.
- Introduction to Recording and Playback on Unity targeting Android: