Windows (8.1/10) & Windows Phone(8.1/10) app to interact with the Xiaomi Mi Band
This was the first attempt at making the Xiaomi Mi Band work in the Windows environment (more specifically, Windows Phone). It appeared in technology blogs all around the world!
After releasing it, some others magically appeared out of nowhere (see: still in active development), so I ceased development after reverse-engineering all the features and re-implement them for Windows, since that was the fun part.
It also helped that Xiaomis firmware is pure garbage (and they are a software company? ha!), giving random errors and deleting data if you dont sync the band everyday.
If you want to know how everything works, or resume development where I left it, go ahead and fork it!
I developed it before the white-leds Mi Band and the Mi Band 2 were released, so its fully compatible only with the first batches and probably not with the latest firmwares.
- Sync steps and sleep data (analyzed, split and saved to mysqlite)
- Realtime steps
- Setting time and date
- Alarms
- Daily target
- selecting leds color
- "Find my band", factory reset, full test
- Showing steps and sleep data (the charts and screen are half-done)
- Updating firmware
I release the project under the MIT License, because I'm that kind of guy. Anyway if you use the code for something cool or you liked it, drop me a line!